Info2: << Package: lpsolve-scilab Version: Revision: 1 # rev-up and change next line at every new version of scilab or lpsolve Type: scilab (4.1.2), maj (5.5) BuildDepends: lpsolve%type_raw[maj]-dev (>= %v-1), libxslt-bin, scilab-atlas (>= %type_raw[scilab]-1) | scilab (>= %type_raw[scilab]-1), sed | ssed Depends: lpsolve%type_raw[maj]-shlibs (>= %type_raw[maj].0.0-1), scilab-atlas (>= %type_raw[scilab]-1) | scilab (>= %type_raw[scilab]-1) Source: mirror:sourceforge:lpsolve/lp_solve_%v_scilab_source.tar.gz Source-MD5: e885927a3b9ce0d8374bb3d272a84818 SourceDirectory: lp_solve_%type_raw[maj] PatchScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev # get rid of long path mv extra/scilab/lpsolve/* .; rm -fR extra # adapt paths perl -pi.bak -e 's,/usr/lib/liblpsolve%type_pkg[maj]\.so,%p/lib/liblpsolve.dylib,' builder.sce perl -pi.bak -e 's,c:/scilab\-2\.7,%p/lib/scilab-%type_raw[scilab],; s,z:/lp_solve_%type_raw[maj],%p/include/lpsolve,; s,\$.*\),%b,' Path.incl # add trailing / to Mpath, and handle the 'loading' of man-pages and macros self, but using formatman(.,"xml") sed -ri -e "s:/[']+\+p,end([']*):&\n \1p=p+\1'/'\1\1:" -e "s,^( )',\1&," -e "/genlib|\/man/d" \ -e "s:(formatman(\(.*))\):\1,'xml'):" -e "s,-1,0," builder.sce # missing "endfunction" for f in macros/*.sci; do echo endfunction >> $f ; done # buglets in man files sed -ri.bak -e "/dual problem|lp created/,/TP 10/{ /.TP 10/d }" man/lp*.man sed -ri.bak -e '/SH NAME/,+2{ /^$/d }' man/ # useless files, which may further prevent regeneration of some of them rm macros/*.bin man/*.cat libs/*.dll # add hash.c to the needed sources : sed -ri.bak -e '/^files=/,/^end/{ /MSDOS/d /^end/d }' src/builder.sce # and fix hash.c : sed -ri.bak -e 's,malloc.h,stdlib.h,' src/hash.c << CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev # next doesn't work.. Try the same with '-f' # scilab -nb -nwni -e "exec builder.sce;exit;" cat > cmd <<-'EOF' exec builder.sce genlib("lpsolvelib",'macros') exit EOF scilab -nb -nwni -f cmd ## first the interface itself, that the builder forgot to make # (the removal of some symbols dosn't save very much, should really take control of the compilations too then) cc -bundle src/lpmex_gateway.o libs/sclpsolve.a %p/lib/liblpsolve.dylib -o \ -bundle_loader %p/lib/scilab-%type_raw[scilab]/bin/scilex -Wl,-x -dead-strip nm -m|fgrep -v ' (from '|sed -r -e 's,.* ,,'|fgrep hash > unexp_sym cc -bundle src/lpmex_gateway.o libs/sclpsolve.a %p/lib/liblpsolve.dylib -o \ -bundle_loader %p/lib/scilab-%type_raw[scilab]/bin/scilex -Wl,-x -dead-strip \ -unexported_symbols_list unexp_sym ## now the help pages rm man/{whatis,*.bak,*.man} # the %%helps(1,:) is needed as first item next to ensure 'man/eng' in the first item of %%helps, # else xmltohtml breaks on the var 'manpath' in gener_index; one cannot put the whole %%helps # as first item since then, if %N is already installed, (rel) links would be made (from %b) to # the installed .htm files instead of to the current dir, and those would be wrong when installed. cat > cmd <<-'EOF' %%helps = [%%helps(1,:); '%b/man','Mixed Integer Linear Programming'] xmltohtml('%b/man','Mixed Integer Linear Programming') exit EOF scilab -nb -nw -f cmd rm -f man/*.xml # sed -ri -e 's,%b/man,%p/share/%N/help,' *.htm # mv *.htm man mv man/scilab.htm . << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev mkdir -p %i/share/%N %i/share/doc/%N/examples %i/lib/scilab-%type_raw[scilab]/contrib %i/share/doc/lpsolve%type_raw[maj]-shlibs ln -s ../%n %i/share/doc/lpsolve%type_raw[maj]-shlibs cp -pPR %i/lib/scilab-%type_raw[scilab]/contrib cp -pPR macros %i/share/%N cp -pPR man %i/share/%N/help cp -p {ex,lpd}*.sce %i/share/doc/%N/examples << DocFiles: << scilab.htm README.txt:README << PostInstScript: << ## Next point currently broken, commented out : ## updating scilab's main contents.htm and index.htm # cd %p/share/%N/help # sed -i.bak -e "/^<\/body>/i\ #$(fgrep lpsolve contents.htm|sed -r -e 's,/dd>,&\\,' -e '$s,\\$,,')" %p/lib/scilab-%type_raw[scilab]/man/eng/contents.htm # sed -i.bak -e "/<\/dl>/i\ #`fgrep lpsolve index.htm`" %p/lib/scilab-%type_raw[scilab]/man/eng/index.htm # # the .bak above and their removal next is for compatibility with stupid /usr/bin/sed, to avoid a dep on sed|ssed # # (and similarly in PreRmScript) # rm -f {contents,index}.htm %p/lib/scilab-%type_raw[scilab]/man/eng/*.htm.bak ## This point hopefully not broken : # updating scilab's startup file to make lpsolve known # add_help_chapter('Mixed Integer Linear Programming','%p/share/%N/help') ? echo "%%helps = [%%helps; '%p/share/%N/help','Mixed Integer Linear Programming'] lpsolvelib=lib('%p/share/%N/macros/') addinter('%p/lib/scilab-%type_raw[scilab]/contrib/','lpmex_gateway','sclpsolve')" \ >> %p/lib/scilab-%type_raw[scilab]/ << PreRmScript: << sed -i.bak -e "/lpsolve/d" %p/lib/scilab-%type_raw[scilab]/{,man/eng/{contents,index}.htm} rm -f %p/lib/scilab-%type_raw[scilab]/{,man/eng/{contents,index}.htm}.bak << Description: Scilab interface to the mixed LP pkg lpsolve DescPort: << hack your way through ... << DescPackaging: << - Effort to follow fink's FHS policy - Patching in the Pre.. and Post scripts is non-kosher: it clearly would lead to trouble if scilab is reinstalled w/o afterwards reinstalling this pkg. If can't be made a conf-file, maybe it can be made to source a (system-wide, in %p/etc) conf-file as its last command ? - Also the removal in the PostInstScript of files installed by dpkg is probably not very kosher _ will eg trigger dpkg-checkall.. But those files are meaningless at that stage... _ Installation of doc into scilab's help for the moment broken (changes in scilab). << DescUsage: << For doc on lpsolve, install lpsolve-extra and go to %p/share/doc/lpsolve-extra, or cf[maj]/ For doc on this interface from Scilab, cf %p/share/doc/%n/scilab.htm << License: LGPL HomePage: Maintainer: JF Mertens <<