Info2: << Package: lpsolve Description: Mixed Integer Linear Programming (ILP) solver Type: maj (5.5) Version: Revision: 1b BuildDepends: sed | ssed, bison, flex-devel, fink (>= 0.24.12) Depends: %N%type_raw[maj]-shlibs (= %v-%r) Suggests: lpsolve-extra Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/lp_solve_%v_source.tar.gz Source-MD5: 167c0fb4ab178e0b7ab50bf0a635a836 SourceDirectory: lp_solve_%type_raw[maj] PatchFile: %{Ni}.patch PatchFile-MD5: 75d0f156989faa4cd45bc5579169947c # PatchFile-MD5: f27f7a5dbd1d2411e2b83ac7db502bf9 PatchScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev N=%N v=%v p=%p b=%b t=%type_raw[maj] . %{PatchFile} << CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev export PATH=%p/lib/flex/bin:$PATH export CPATH=%p/lib/flex/include:%p/include export LIBRARY_PATH=%p/lib/flex/lib:%p/lib # Run bison and flex . ./lp_rlp.bat # Build the library sed -r -e '/EXPORTS/d' -e 's,^ +,_,' < lp_solve.def > exp_sym cd %N%type_pkg[maj] . ./ccc # Symbolic links to library ln -s lib%N.%v.dylib lib%N.%type_raw[maj].dylib ln -s lib%N.%type_raw[maj].dylib lib%N.dylib ln -s lib%N.%v.a lib%N.a # fangism added the following: ln -s lib%N.%v.dylib lib%N%type_pkg[maj].dylib # Build the lp_solve executable cd ../lp_solve . ./ccc << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev # Libraries mkdir -p %i/lib cp -pPR %N%type_pkg[maj]/lib%N* %i/lib # Headers mkdir -p %i/include/%N/bfp/bfp_LUSOL/LUSOL mkdir -p %i/include/%N/colamd mkdir -p %i/include/%N/shared cp *.h %i/include/%N cp bfp/*.h %i/include/%N/bfp cp bfp/bfp_LUSOL/*.h %i/include/%N/bfp/bfp_LUSOL cp bfp/bfp_LUSOL/LUSOL/*.h %i/include/%N/bfp/bfp_LUSOL/LUSOL cp colamd/*.h %i/include/%N/colamd cp shared/*.h %i/include/%N/shared # # Additional "headers" (for %N-extra): # cp yacc_read.c lp_Hash.c lp_utils.c %i/include/%N # cp shared/{commonlib,myblas}.c %i/include/%N/shared # cp colamd/colamd.c %i/include/%N/colamd # Executable mkdir -p %i/bin install lp_solve/lp_solve %i/bin # link the doc files: mkdir -p %i/share/doc ln -s %N%type_raw[maj]-shlibs %i/share/doc/%n << SplitOff: << Package: %N%type_raw[maj]-shlibs Files: lib/lib%N.*.dylib Shlibs: %p/lib/lib%N.%type_raw[maj].dylib 5.5.2 %n (>= DocFiles: README.txt lp_solve.def << SplitOff2: << Package: %N%type_raw[maj]-dev Depends: %N%type_raw[maj]-shlibs (= %v-%r) Replaces: lpsolve-extra (<= BuildDependsOnly: true Files: include lib InstallScript: << # link the doc files: mkdir -p %i/share/doc ln -s %N%type_raw[maj]-shlibs %i/share/doc/%n << << DescDetail: << lp_solve is a free linear (integer) programming solver based on the revised simplex method and the Branch-and-bound method for the integers. It solves pure linear, (mixed) integer/binary, semi-continuous and special ordered sets (SOS) models. It can be called as a library from different languages like C, VB, .NET, Delphi, Excel, Java, ... << DescPort: << Experimenting with -combine is very negative: total size of .o files w/o combining : 751216; combined: 876720; stripped dylib after combining: 753208 (cmp to 601832 _ cf below) (independently [except of course for the size of the combined .o file, 876720] of whether first compile, then link, or, "compile-and-link in 1 go") Those figures are quite robust: the following sizes of the dylib are independent of the various combinations of '-s' and '-gfull' in the compile stage : -fno-common, -single-module: 601776 -fno-common, multiple-modules: 609436 common; -single-module: 601832 (vers 5.5.2: 544096 32bit, 536768 64bit) [Above figures from before using the exported_symbols_list; now size=509400, and adding -DINTEGERTIME would gain an additional 32 bytes, and -fno-common 56] << DescPackaging: << Library name changed from "%N%type_pkg[maj]" to "%N". So the install_name (and the splitoff-names) must contain "%type_raw[maj]"... Use dynamic linking for the executable. Demos, docs, MP-language interfaces, and additional engines, are in lpsolve-extra pkg. Interfaces from octave, python, and scilab are in the corresponding lpsolve-xyz pkgs. << DescUsage: << For demo and docs, install lpsolve-extra and go to %p/share/doc/lpsolve-extra, or cf[maj]/ << License: LGPL HomePage: Maintainer: JF Mertens <<