Package: mizar-semantic-mml Description: Semantic HTML presentation of the MML Version: 4.166.1132 Revision: 1 Replaces: mizar-semantic-mml (<= 4.66.942) License: Commercial Homepage: Source: Source-MD5: f00b1f11bc86e27b42f56e67c1a2666b CompileScript: << << SourceDirectory: html InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/share/mizar/html cp *.html %i/share/mizar/html mkdir -p %i/share/mizar/html/proofs cp -R proofs/* %i/share/mizar/html/proofs << DescDetail: << This package provides a hypertext version of a rich semantic representation of the Mizar Mathematical Library (MML). << Maintainer: Jesse Alama