Package: mtz2hkl Version: 0.3 Revision: 1 Maintainer: W. G. Scott Description: Convert mtz to shelx data format License: LGPL HomePage: Source: Source-MD5: e0240d50e4ce41ccf1ccb514455e61ab SourceDirectory: %n PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: baab36aa80b4f9b40f9d2e89931df8ee Depends: gpp4-shlibs BuildDepends: gpp4-dev, clipper-dev, fink (>= 0.24.12) # PatchScript: sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' <%{PatchFile} | patch -p1 CompileScript: make InstallScript: mkdir -p %i/bin ; cp mtz2hkl %i/bin/. # DescDetail: << mtz2hkl is intended to facilitate the transition from refmac5 refinement to shelxh or shelxl refinement. At high resolution refinement one often starts with refmac5 and towards the end finishes with shelxh/ shelxl. mtz2hkl is supposed to run with as little user interaction as possible and in the ideal case creates an HKLF 3 or HKLF 4 file from just the filename. The input file should be the mtz-file that refmac5 refines against. To reference this program, please quote T. Grune: "mtz2sca and mtz2hkl: facilitated transition from CCP4 to the SHELX program suite" <<