Package: nap Version: 4.1.0 Revision: 1014 Distribution: 10.4 License: BSD Description: N-dimentional array processor Depends: netcdf-shlibs (>= 3.6.0-1002), hdf (>=4.2r0-3), libjpeg-shlibs (>=6b-16), tcltk (>=8.4.1-12) BuildDepends: netcdf (>= 3.6.0-1002), libjpeg (>=6b-16), tcltk-dev (>=8.4.1-12) PatchScript: perl -pi -e 's; \-flat_namespace \-undefined suppress; -Wl,-m;' nap.patch configure tcl.m4 ../library/make_dll.tcl SetCPPFLAGS: -D_POSIX_SOURCE Source: mirror:sourceforge:tcl-%n/%n4_1_0src.tgz Source-MD5: 582177e01aa95a568449fffdcbf94d7f SourceDirectory: nap/unix DescDetail: << NAP is a loadable extension of Tcl which provides a powerful and efficient facility for processing data in the form of n-dimensional arrays. It has been designed to provide a tcl-flavoured array-processing facility with much of the functionality of languages such as APL, Fortran-90, IDL, J, matlab and octave. << Maintainer: None Homepage: