Package: ncvtk Version: 2.3 Revision: 2 Distribution: 10.4 Description: Visualizer for planetary data in netCDF License: GPL Maintainer: None # Prerequisites BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12-1) Depends: python25, vtk-py25, netcdf-shlibs (>=3.6.0-2), numeric-py25 (>=24.2-1), scientificpython-py25 (>=2.4.9-5), pmw-py25 (>=1.2-1) # Unpack Phase: Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: eab4120e6ef6f4abb0e05c990a0a7e14 Source2: mirror:sourceforge:%n/ Source2-MD5: 8c1664b7dccdfd8abd0c4730fa210de6 # Compile Phase: PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 8daa7feae408bd04c3f78e6b80e86cdc CompileScript: << /bin/cp %p/share/doc/fink/COPYING COPYING %p/bin/python2.5 build << # Install Phase: InstallScript: << %p/bin/python2.5 install --prefix %p --root %d --install-data %p/share bunzip2 -c ../ > %i/share/%n/data/ << DocFiles: README COPYING DescDetail: << Ncvtk has been designed with the aim of offering a high degree of interactivity to scientists who have a need to explore three-dimensional, time-dependent planetary data. The input data should be stored in a NetCDF file and the metadata should loosely follow the CDC convention. << Homepage: