Info2: << Package: prover9 Description: Prove theorems and build models Version: 2009-11a Type: w (2009-11A) Revision: 1 License: OSI-Approved Source:[w].tar.gz Source-MD5: ab409f31ecbb4410b1c7d75deadea2c6 SourceDirectory: LADR-%type_raw[w] Source2:[w].tar.gz Source2-MD5: 23fbb9c6b3cbfbb2b893fb788e248a29 Source2ExtractDir: LADR-%type_raw[w] CompileScript: << make all << InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/share/xml/xsl install -m 644 bin/proof3fo.xsl %i/share/xml/xsl chmod 755 bin/gvizify mkdir -p %i/bin install -m 755 bin/* %i/bin # Documentation and examples mkdir -p %i/share/doc/prover9 cp -R %n-manual-%type_raw[w]/* %i/share/doc/prover9 << DescDetail: << Prover9 is an automated theorem prover for first-order and equational logic, and Mace4 searches for finite models and counterexamples. Prover9 is the successor of the Otter prover. << Homepage: Maintainer: Jesse Alama <<