Package: regina-normal Version: 4.6 Revision: 1 Maintainer: Ben Burton HomePage: License: GPL Description: Computational 3-manifold topology software # TODO: Once gap is available in fink stable, have regina-normal suggest it. Source: mirror:sourceforge:regina/regina-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 746812ac4fc1b2c6b22b36cc80882257 SourceRename: %n-%v.tar.gz SourceDirectory: regina-%v PatchScript: << # Make regina-python explicitly run fink's python2.5, instead of # running whatever python installation it can find. sed 's|`which python`|"%p/bin/python2.5"|' \ < python/ > python/ mv -f python/ python/ << DescPackaging: << Although the upstream application is called regina, this package is called regina-normal to avoid confusion with regina the REXX interpreter. . Regarding shared libraries: Regina builds two shared libraries in /sw/lib (libregina-engine and libregina-kdecommon), plus some dlopenable modules in other directories (including a python module and a kpart for KDE). . The library libregina-kdecommon is for internal use only, and is shared between the kpart and the KDE executable. It is part of the main regina-normal package, and does not provide any headers or library symlinks. . The library libregina-engine is designed for external use. The library is shipped in the splitoff regina-normal%v-shlibs, and headers and symlinks are shipped in the splitoff regina-normal%v-dev. . Since the library APIs are likely to change with each new release, these libraries are built using -release instead of -version-info. This means that each new upstream release gives the libraries a new version number. For this reason, the entire upstream version number is hard-coded into the -shlibs package name. . Regarding cppunit: If the cppunit development files are installed at build time, they will be used to build and run the C++ test suite. This is merely for extra sanity testing however, and the final .debs will be the same whether cppunit is installed or not. << GCC: 4.0 BuildDepends: << arts-dev, boost1.34.python25, cctools-single-module, doxygen, fink (>= 0.28.0-1), gmp, kdelibs3-unified-dev, libart2, libgettext3-dev, libiconv-dev, libidn, libjpeg, libpng3, libxml2, popt, qt3, x11-dev, xmkmf << Depends: << %n%v-shlibs, boost1.34.python25-shlibs, gmp-shlibs, kdebase3-unified, kdelibs3-unified-shlibs, kpdf, libart2-shlibs, libgettext3-shlibs, libiconv, libidn-shlibs, libjpeg-shlibs, libpng3-shlibs, libxml2-shlibs, popt-shlibs, python25, qt3-shlibs << Suggests: graphviz, regina-normal%v-dev # The following line works around the libGL linker problem on leopard: SetLDFLAGS: -Wl,-dylib_file,/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGL.dylib:/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGL.dylib ConfigureParams: XMKMF=%p/lib/xmkmf/bin/xmkmf --disable-mpi --with-python-version=2.5 kde_htmldir='${datadir}/doc/kde' PKGNAME=regina-normal --disable-dependency-tracking CompileScript: << # Run configuration tests. ./configure %c # Stop for a sanity check to see if the right bits and pieces are # going to be built (i.e., if all the required dependencies were # found). It's a long build, and we'd rather know now than later. # # If any of these grep tests fails, it means that either something is # missing from the BuildDepends list, or else one of the build # dependencies has recently changed in a way that makes it # incompatible with this .info file. Either way, please email # the package maintainer so that this can be fixed -- thanks! grep '^REGINA_BUILD_DOCSENGINE=.engine.$' config.log > /dev/null grep '^REGINA_BUILD_ENGINE=.engine.$' config.log > /dev/null grep '^REGINA_BUILD_KDEUI=.kdeui.$' config.log > /dev/null grep '^REGINA_BUILD_PYTHON=.python.$' config.log > /dev/null grep '^REGINA_BUILD_UTILS=.utils.$' config.log > /dev/null # On with the usual build procedure. make # Run any test suites that are available, as an extra sanity check. make check << InstallScript: << # Standard install procedure. make install DESTDIR=%d # Remove library files that we don't actually want. # This includes static versions of modules that we plan to dlopen, # and also development files for libraries that are not meant to # be shared outside this package. rm %i/lib/libregina-kdecommon.a rm %i/lib/ rm %i/lib/libregina-kdecommon.dylib rm %i/lib/regina-normal/python/regina.a rm %i/lib/kde3/libreginapart.a # Make a symlink from the documentation directory into the directory # containing the sample data files. install -d -m 755 %i/share/doc/%n ln -s %p/share/regina-normal/examples %i/share/doc/%n/examples << DocFiles: AUTHORS.txt CHANGES.txt HIGHLIGHTS.txt LICENSE.txt PostInstScript: << # Rebuild the global KDE system configuration cache. env KDEDIR= KDEDIRS= HOME=/tmp XDG_CACHE_HOME=/tmp/kb/cache XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/tmp/kb/config \ XDG_DATA_HOME=/tmp/kb/share HISTFILE=/tmp/kb/.bash_history USER=root LOGNAME=root \ %p/bin/kbuildsycoca --global --noincremental --nosignal >/dev/null 2>&1 || : << DescDetail: << Regina is a suite of mathematical software for 3-manifold topologists. It focuses upon the study of 3-manifold triangulations and includes support for normal surfaces and angle structures. . Highlights of Regina include triangulation analysis and simplification, census creation and normal surface enumeration. It offers embedded Python scripting giving full access to the calculation engine. . This package includes the KDE user interface and the command-line Python interface, as well as the users' reference manual and the Python reference (i.e., the API documentation for the Regina calculation engine). << DescUsage: << Two main binaries are provided with Regina: . - %p/bin/regina-kde, which starts the KDE user interface; - %p/bin/regina-python, which starts a command-line Python session. . Several other specialised binaries are also provided; see the users' reference manual for details. . The users' reference manual is provided with this package and can be viewed in the KDE Help Centre, or by entering the URL 'help:/regina/' directly into konqueror. It can also be viewed through Regina's graphical user interface by selecting "Help -> Regina Handbook". . Sample topology data files and sample Python sessions are provided in the directory %p/share/doc/regina-normal/examples/. . If you are using Python scripting or if you are building the Regina calculation engine into your own projects, you will probably want the calculation engine API documentation. This API documentation is installed in the directory %p/share/regina-normal/engine-docs/, and can also be viewed through Regina's graphical user interface by selecting "Help -> Python Reference". . Headers and other development files required for building Regina's C++ calculation engine into your own projects are provided by the package regina-normal%v-dev. . If you find Regina useful in your research, please consider citing it as you would any other paper that you use. The introductory chapter of the Regina reference manual includes a suggested form of reference. << Shlibs: << !%p/lib/libregina-kdecommon-%v.dylib << SplitOff: << Package: regina-normal4.6-shlibs Description: Shared libraries for 3-manifold topology software Depends: << libiconv, libxml2-shlibs, gmp-shlibs << Files: << lib/libregina-engine-%v.dylib << DocFiles: AUTHORS.txt CHANGES.txt HIGHLIGHTS.txt LICENSE.txt Shlibs: << %p/lib/libregina-engine-%v.dylib 0.0.0 %n (>= 4.6-1) << DescDetail: << Regina is a suite of mathematical software for 3-manifold topologists. Highlights of Regina include triangulation analysis and simplification, census creation and normal surface enumeration. . This package provides the Regina calculation engine as a C++ shared library, for use in other projects. For complete API documentation, see the package regina-normal. << << SplitOff2: << Package: regina-normal4.6-dev Description: Development files for 3-manifold topology software BuildDependsOnly: True Conflicts: regina-normal-dev, regina-normal4.5-dev, regina-normal4.5.1-dev Replaces: regina-normal-dev, regina-normal4.5-dev, regina-normal4.5.1-dev Depends: %N (= %v-%r) Files: << include lib/libregina-engine.a lib/ lib/libregina-engine.dylib << DocFiles: AUTHORS.txt CHANGES.txt HIGHLIGHTS.txt LICENSE.txt DescDetail: << Regina is a suite of mathematical software for 3-manifold topologists. Highlights of Regina include triangulation analysis and simplification, census creation and normal surface enumeration. . This package provides development files for compiling the Regina calculation engine into other projects. << DescUsage: << The Regina calculation engine is provided in the C++ shared library %p/lib/libregina-engine.dylib. . The corresponding headers can be found in %p/include/regina-normal/. . Complete API documentation for this library can be found in the package regina-normal. This documentation is typically installed in the directory %p/share/regina-normal/engine-docs/, and can also be viewed through Regina's graphical user interface by selecting "Help -> Python Reference". . Developers can run %p/bin/regina-engine-config to obtain the necessary compiler and linker options. << <<