Package: spass Description: Theorem prover for first-order logic Version: 3.7 Revision: 1 BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12) Homepage: Maintainer: Jesse Alama License: OSI-Approved Source: Source-MD5: 6505f4f3ad91cc289d9dd73889ebb304 PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: f9c8bf0c2465b58987e69a0110ab62b4 SourceDirectory: SPASS-%v InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d mv %d/%p/share/info/ %d/%p/share/info/ << DocFiles: LICENCE VERSIONHISTORY InfoDocs: DescDetail: << If you are interested in first-order logic theorem proving, the formal analysis of software, systems, protocols, formal approaches to AI planning, decision procedures, modal logic theorem proving, SPASS may offer you the right functionality. If you are interested in sex, drugs, rock'n roll or fish, even though our logo contains a nice drawing of Opistognathus Latitabunda, you may be disappointed by the performance of SPASS. <<