Package: t3m-py23 Version: 20031004 Revision: 1002 Distribution: 10.4 Source: Source-MD5: c87503586d9cefe8a15a73453ab3b6dc Source2: Source2-MD5: 716fbf97fd5b89e327b4206cc257f9fd NoSourceDirectory: yes Depends: python23 (>= 1:2.3.5-1124), snappea-py23, numeric-py23 Conflicts: t3m-nox Replaces: t3m-nox PatchScript: << perl -pi.bak -e 's|\-static.*||g' FXrays/Makefile << CompileScript: << cd FXrays; %p/bin/python2.3 build cd t3m; %p/bin/python2.3 build << InstallScript: << cd FXrays; %p/bin/python2.3 install --root=%d cd t3m; %p/bin/python2.3 install --root=%d << License: Public Domain DocFiles: FXrays/README:README.FXrays t3m/README:README.t3m Description: Box of tinker toys for topologists DescDetail: << This packages contains the two modules FXrays and t3m. FXrays is a small, fast C implementation of an algorithm for finding extremal rays of polyhedral cones with filtering. It is intended to be used to find embedded normal surfaces in triangulated 3-manifolds. T3m is a box of tinker toys for topologists. Use it for studying triangulations of 3-manifolds at the Python prompt. It is written entirely in Python, so you can take it apart and put it back together your own way. T3m uses FXrays and SnapPeaPython. << DescPackaging: << Uses Fink's python23 and snappea-py23, hence implicit dependencies on tcltk and X11. << Maintainer: Martin Costabel Homepage: