Package: tetgen Version: 1.4.2 Revision: 1002 Source: Source-MD5: 59c92b223f69cc7e50ae6cd9d1539db1 PatchScript: perl -pi -e "s,-g,-Os," makefile CompileScript: make InstallScript: mkdir -p %i/bin && cp -p %n %i/bin/ DocFiles: LICENSE README Homepage: License: BSD GCC: 4.0 Maintainer: Jack Fink Description: Quality Tetrahedral Mesh Generator DescDetail: << TetGen generates the Delaunay tetrahedralization, Voronoi diagram, and convex hull for three-dimensional point sets, generates the constrained Delaunay tetrahedralizations and quality tetrahedral meshes for three-dimensional domains with piecewise linear boundary. <<