Package: tksu Version: 0.1.32 Revision: 2 Source: Source-MD5: 4e9f75051aa58737d3fa70d3b71a0ac6 # Architecture: powerpc because cwp-su is ppc-only Architecture: powerpc Depends: cwp-su, tcltk (>= 8.4.6-2), tclx9-shlibs CompileScript: echo "Nothing to compile" InstallScript: << mkdir %i/lib %i/bin cp -rp . %i/lib/%n sed -e s=@tksuDir@=%p/lib/%n= < > %i/bin/tksu chmod 755 %i/bin/tksu cp -p bin/tolog %i/bin # Do not install xless << DocFiles: CHANGES COPYING INSTALL README TODO VERSION Description: TclTk GUI for CWP-SU (Seismic Unix) DescDetail: << Tksu is a graphical front end to the SU seismic processing package. It provides dialogs for setting module parameters, online help, and the ability to build a processing flow from arbitrarily connected modules. It creates a shell script which may be run interactively or exported for running later. Although designed with SU in mind, Tksu is an independent application. Since it interfaces with SU via shell scripts, it can manage any module that implements the SU command line protocol. << DescPort: << Skip using the INSTALL script. It just gets in the way. Do NOT install xless... it will conflict with In the future, I need to figure out exactly how the utility.spec file works so I can rename xless to something that will not conflict. << License: GPL Homepage: Maintainer: Kurt Schwehr