Package: triangle Version: 1.6 Revision: 2 Source: Source-MD5: 10aff8d7950f5e0e2fb6dd2e340be2c9 SourceRename: NoSourceDirectory: yes CompileScript: << perl -pi -e 's|^CSWITCHES.*X |CSWITCHES = -Os |g' makefile make ./triangle -h >help.triangle ./showme -h >help.showme make trilibrary << InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/lib/%n/bin %i/bin cp triangle showme %i/lib/%n/bin cp triangle.h triangle.o %i/lib/%n ln -s ../lib/%n/bin/triangle %i/bin/triangle ln -s ../lib/%n/bin/showme %i/bin/showme << License: Restrictive/Distributable DocFiles: README help.* *.c *.h makefile A.poly Description: Tiny but powerful 2D mesh generator DescDetail: << Triangle A Two-Dimensional Quality Mesh Generator and Delaunay Triangulator. Show Me A Display Program for Meshes and More. Triangle generates exact Delaunay triangulations, constrained Delaunay triangulations, Voronoi diagrams, and quality conforming Delaunay triangulations. The latter can be generated with no small angles, and are thus suitable for finite element analysis. Show Me graphically displays the contents of the geometric files used by Triangle. Show Me can also write images in PostScript form. << DescUsage: << Two binaries are installed: triangle and showme. The header file triangle.h and the object file triangle.o that are needed for compiling your own projects with triangle are installed in %p/lib/triangle. Extensive documentation is contained in the source and help files in %p/share/doc/triangle as well as on the Web page << Maintainer: Martin Costabel Homepage: