Package: weka Version: 3.4.4 Revision: 1 Distribution: 10.4, 10.5 Source: Source2: mirror:sourceforge:weka/Tutorial.pdf Source3: mirror:sourceforge:weka/ExplorerGuide.pdf Source4: Source5: mirror:sourceforge:weka/Experiments.pdf Source-MD5: c1598f9e60a45152e0e698a75a2cd372 Source2-MD5: 787a145b668449b75f4e6f38d13ad06e Source3-MD5: 8b5011a68e9a8e84a9bd3d3b7787926f Source4-MD5: 63156c0c2de3da34be46b3414965f70e Source5-MD5: f1555562d177c9b27b592a79c015afa8 Description: Machine learning/pattern recognition in java Depends: system-java14 BuildDepends: ant, system-java14-dev CompileScript: << (cd weka && ant) (cd weka && ant docs) (cd weka && ant exejar) (cd weka && ant remotejar) find . -name CVS | xargs rm -r << InstallScript: << # Make a quick executable for the GUI mkdir -p %i/bin echo '#!/bin/bash' > %i/bin/weka echo "java -jar %p/share/java/weka/weka.jar" >> %i/bin/weka chmod +x %i/bin/weka mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n cp -r doc %i/share/doc/%n/doc cp -r ../ExplorerGuide.pdf ../Tutorial.pdf ../ ../Experiments.pdf %i/share/doc/%n/ cp -r wekadocs/data %i/share/doc/%n << SplitOff: << Package: %N-doc Description: Docs on machine learning and pattern recognition Depends: %N Files: share/doc/%N/*.pdf share/doc/%N/doc << JarFiles: dist/weka.jar dist/remoteExperimentServer.jar DescDetail: << Weka is a collection of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks. The algorithms can either be applied directly to a dataset or called from your own Java code. Weka contains tools for data pre-processing, classification, regression, clustering, association rules, and visualization. It is also well-suited for developing new machine learning schemes. To start the GUI, just run 'weka' For a quick command line sample run, try this: java weka.core.Instances /sw/share/doc/weka/data/weather.arff java weka.classifiers.trees.J48 -t /sw/share/doc/weka/data/weather.arff << DescPort: << Do NOT use Source: mirror:sourceforge:weka/ This is a prebuilt set of jars which is NOT ok with the fink rules The distribution does not come with the ant build instructions. Talked to the authors and agreed to do a cvs tagged pull of the tree: export cvs login # empty pass cvs co -r stable-3-4-4 weka cvs co -r stable-3-4-4 tests cvs co -r stable-3-4-4 wekadocs This does have the build.xml for ant The data directory has never been in the cvs tree, so I just made another tar for it. This info file is under the GPL and/or what ever other license the fink team deams best. -Kurt << License: GPL Maintainer: Kurt Schwehr Homepage: