Package: xtide-coastline Version: 20110414 Revision: 2 Description: World Vector Shoreline data for XTide DescDetail: << This package enables the xtide package to display the world's coastlines (World Vector Shoreline data) when displaying the Earth to select tidal stations. These files were published on the National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) 5-Minute Gridded Global Relief Data CD-ROM (ETOPO5), 1993, and are public domain. They are available from NOAA at Related information is available at . The filenames were be changed to all lowercase letters to work with XTide. << DescUsage: << Sets the variable WVS_DIR that xtide uses. You will need to e.g. start a new shell session to register this change after installing/removing this package. << License: Public Domain Homepage: Maintainer: Alexander Hansen Source: Source-MD5: 56325c8105c7137ced73396f2f2d8221 NoSourceDirectory: true CompileScript: printf "No compiling needed.\n" InstallScript: << /usr/bin/install -d %i/share /usr/bin/install -d %i/share/%n install *.dat %i/share/%n << DescPackaging: << Upstream source is unversioned, so arbitrarily set version to be date of addition of the pacakge to Fink. <<