Package: applex11tools Version: 1.1.3 Revision: 2 Distribution: 10.4 Depends: quartz-wm (>= %v-%r), open-x11 (>= %v-%r), x11-app (>= %v-%r) Type: nosource CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev cat <= 4.4.0-1) | system-xfree86 (>= 4.4-1) | xorg (>= 6.7.99-1) #Files: bin/quartz-wm share/man/man1/quartz-wm* share/doc/%n Files: bin/quartz-wm share/man/man1/quartz-wm* << SplitOff2: << Package: open-x11 Description: Apple's script for opening an X11 app from a terminal Depends: xfree86 (>= 4.4.0-1) | system-xfree86 (>= 4.4-1) | xorg (>= 6.7.99-1) Files: bin/open-x11 << SplitOff3: << Package: x11-app Description: Apple's X server Depends: xfree86 (>= 4.4.0-1) | system-xfree86 (>= 4.4-1) | xorg (>= 6.7.99-1) Files: Applications /usr/X11R6/bin/Xquartz /private/etc/X11/xserver/Xquartz* share/man/man1/Xquartz* share/doc/%n PostInstScript: << echo " was installed in %p/Applications" << << License: Restrictive Homepage: Maintainer: Benjamin Reed Description: Install various tools from Apple's X11 DescDetail: << This package will let you install Apple's proprietary X11 tools on top of a reasonably modern XFree86 or X11 distribution. To install it, you must have your Mac OS X installation DVD, as well as the 2006 X11 update. The update is downloadable at: <<