Package: vroot-h Version: 1.4.1jwz Revision: 1 Description: Virtual root window handling header file DescDetail: << This header file redefines the X11 macros RootWindow and DefaultRootWindow, making them look for a virtual root window as provided by certain `virtual' window managers like swm and tvtwm. If none is found, the ordinary root window is returned, thus retaining backward compatibility with standard window managers. << DescUsage: << Include the header file as or and pass "-I/sw/include/vroot" to your compiler. << DescPackaging: << I can't find a simple dist of either this header or a *small* full program that uses it, so the file is copied from xscreensaver (4.08) and brought into Fink as a .patch. << DescPort: << Install in a subdir of include so that its use isn't automatic. Perhaps some packages have ./configure that checks for vroot.h, which will make these have different binaries depending on if vroot.h is found. So we'll install in include/vroot so package maintainers can affirmatively choose to use it if they so desire. DescUsage: Read README and README.Fink << License: BSD Maintainer: Daniel Macks BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12-1) BuildDependsOnly: true Type: nosource NoSourceDirectory: true PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: cb1ec2249ad4d1e75a5f9e49cdc85925 PatchScript: << %{default_script} head -n 25 vroot.h > Copyright sed -ne '26,55p' vroot.h > README echo "Changes by jwz (Jamie Zawinski ) as noted" >> README ( echo "Set a BuildDepends on vroot-h." ; echo "Include the header file as or and pass" ; echo "-I%p/include/vroot to your compiler." ) > README.Fink << CompileScript: echo "nothing to compile" InstallScript: << install -d -m 0755 %i/include/vroot/X11 install -m 0644 vroot.h %i/include/vroot/X11 ln -s X11/vroot.h %i/include/vroot << DocFiles: Copyright README README.Fink