Package: x11-ssh-askpass Version: Revision: 3 Homepage: Description: X11-based SSH passphrase dialog Maintainer: Mark Gardner License: BSD Depends: app-defaults, x11 BuildDepends: x11-dev, xmkmf (>= 1.0.2-3) DocFiles: ChangeLog README TODO Source: mirror:debian:pool/main/s/ssh-askpass/ssh-askpass_%v.orig.tar.gz Source-MD5: 8f2e41f3f7eaa8543a2440454637f3c3 SourceRename: %n-%v.tar.gz SourceDirectory: %n-%v ConfigureParams: --libexecdir=%p/lib --mandir=%p/share/man --with-app-defaults-dir=%p/etc/app-defaults --enable-installing-app-defaults DescDetail: << This is an X11-based passphrase dialog for use with OpenSSH. It is intended to replace the Perl/Tk-based ssh-askpass dialog and GNOME-based ssh-askpass dialog which formerly accompanied OpenSSH-1.2. These dialogs are intended to be called from the ssh-add program and not invoked directly. The features of x11-ssh-askpass are as follows: - Configurable via the standard X resource mechanism (/usr/lib/X11/etc/app-defaults, ~/.Xdefaults, xrdb, etc.). - Requires only stock X11 libraries (libXt, libX11, libSM, libICE). - Can be configured to grab the keyboard and/or pointer (grabs the keyboard by default, not the pointer). << DescUsage: << The user interface is somewhat different than most password/passphrase dialogs and more similar to the X11-based passphrase dialog that accompanies the regular SSH distribution. Instead of a text field that fills with asterisks or some other character as the user enters the passphrase, a series of LED-like areas light up one-by-one with each passphrase character entered, beginning from the lefthand edge of the dialog. When they reach the righthand edge, they go dark one-by-one again, and so on. This gives the user feedback that passphrase characters have been entered, but does not provide onlookers with a cue as to the length of the passphrase. Pressing the `OK' button accepts the passphrase (even if it is empty), which is printed on the standard output, and the dialog exits with a status of zero (success). Pressing the `Cancel' button discards the passphrase, and the dialog exits with non-zero status. The following keystrokes work as expected: [Backspace] or [Delete] Erase previous character [Control+U] or [Control+X] Erase entire passphrase [Enter], [Control+M], or [Control+J] Accept passphrase (OK) [Escape] Discard passphrase (Cancel) << CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev export PATH=%p/lib/xmkmf/bin:$PATH export IMAKEINCLUDE=-I%p/lib/X11/config ./configure %c xmkmf sed -e 's|^[[:space:]]*DOCDIR[[:space:]]=.*|DOCDIR = %p/share/doc/%n|' Makefile >Makefile.tmp mv Makefile.tmp Makefile make includes make << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev export PATH=%p/lib/xmkmf/bin:$PATH export IMAKEINCLUDE=-I%p/lib/X11/config make install DESTDIR=%d INSTALLFLAGS=-c make DESTDIR=%d INSTALLFLAGS=-c <<