Package: xwit Version: 3.4 Revision: 1 Depends: x11 BuildDepends: x11-dev Source: mirror:debian:pool/main/x/%n/%n_%v.orig.tar.gz Source-MD5: bac527aab86715fcd76f44d9cf970ade SourceDirectory: %n-%v.orig PatchScript: << perl -pi -e 's/\Qselect(0,(int*)0,(int*)0,(int*)0,&tv)\E/select(0,0,0,0,&tv)/' xwit.c << CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev for f in xwit dsimple ClientWin ; do gcc -c -I. -I/usr/X11/include -I/usr/X11R6/include $f.c -o $f.o done gcc *.o -L/usr/X11/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -o xwit cp xwit.1 << InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/bin %i/share/man/man1 install -m755 xwit %i/bin install -m644 xwit.1 %i/share/man/man1 << DocFiles: README DescPort: << xmkmf is dead so we'll just build this simple thing manually. << DescDetail: << xwit ("x window interface tool") is a hodge-podge collection of simple routines to call some of those X11 functions that don't already have any utility commands built around them. The reasoning behind this is that loosely every X function should be accessible from a shell script. For example, XWarpPointer() will move the X pointer, but no utility program exists to do so on those rare occasions when you could really use it. xwit will also resize, iconify, pop, and move windows given by name or id, change an icon, title or name, set the screen saver going, and change individual key autorepeat settings, etc. << Description: Command-line access for x11 functions Homepage: License: Public Domain Maintainer: Daniel Macks