Package: jswat Version: 4.3 Revision: 1 Type: java(1.6) Distribution: 10.5 Maintainer: Trevor Harmon BuildDepends: ant-base (>= 1.6.5), junit (>= 3.8.1) # system-java-dev is required for running the app, not just to build it Depends: system-java-dev (>= 1.6), netbeans (= 5.5.1-1) Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/ Source-MD5: 69dac4322deb0e059fe2566bd4d68baf CompileScript: << # Remove the nbproject/private folders, which were not supposed to have been included in the JSwat 4.3 source distribution find . -path '*nbproject/private' -prune -exec rm -rf \{\} \; ant -Dnbjdk.home=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0/Home -Dnbplatform.default.harness.dir=%p/share/netbeans/harness -Dnetbeans.dest.dir=%p/share/netbeans dist << # Fix directory paths in jswat.conf PatchScript: perl -pi -e 's/C:\\java\\jdk1.6.0/\/System\/Library\/Frameworks\/JavaVM.framework\/Versions\/1.6.0\/Home/;s/\\\.jswat/\/\.jswat/' launcher/jswat.conf InstallScript: << # Unpack distribution JAR mkdir -p %i/share/%n unzip %n -d %i/share/%n # Set up link to executables mkdir %i/bin ln -s %p/share/jswat/bin/jswat %i/bin ln -s %p/share/jswat/bin/jpdalaunch %i/bin chmod +x %i/share/jswat/bin/jswat chmod +x %i/share/jswat/bin/jpdalaunch chmod +x %i/share/jswat/platform6/lib/nbexec # Remove non-Mac executables rm -f %i/share/jswat/bin/jpdalaunch.cmd rm -f %i/share/jswat/bin/jswat.exe rm -f %i/share/jswat/bin/jswatw.exe rm -f %i/share/jswat/bin/jswat.gif # Remove doc files (they are taken care of by DocFiles field) rm -f %i/share/jswat/CREDITS.html rm -f %i/share/jswat/LICENSE.txt rm -f %i/share/jswat/README.html rm -f %i/share/jswat/UsersGuide.html rm -f %i/share/jswat/style.css << DocFiles: docs/release/* Description: Graphical Java debugger front-end DescDetail: << JSwat is a standalone, graphical Java debugger front-end, written to use the JPDA (part of the JDK). It has sophisticated breakpoints, source display, and expression evaluation, as well as numerous other features. Maintained through version 4.3-1 by Trevor Harmon. << License: OSI-Approved Homepage: