Package: gwydion-dylan-bootstrap Version: 2.4.0 Revision: 1003 Distribution: 10.5 Depends: readline5-shlibs, tcltk, libtool14, gc-shlibs (>= 6.4-1001) BuildDepends: readline5 , gc (>= 7.0-1001), fink (>= 0.24.12-1) Replaces: gwydion-dylan Maintainer: Matthias Neeracher Source: Source-MD5: 7ed180bf4ef11e8e8da3bd78b45477a8 UpdateConfigGuess: true PatchFile: gwydion-dylan.patch PatchFile-MD5: b0130561266184fa60cc189f863e2247 ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man --enable-mindy-bootstrap --includedir=%p/include/dylan --with-gc-prefix=%p CompileScript: << ./configure %c make << InstallScript: << make DESTDIR=%d install ranlib %i/lib/dylan/%v/ppc-darwin-gcc/*.a head -n 26 Makegen>COPYING << DocFiles: CREDITS NEWS README COPYING Description: Dylan Compiler Bootstrap Package DescDetail: << The Gwydion Dylan Compiler has such a complex bootstrap process that it was simpler to create a separate package for the bootstrap (with the same source and patch as the main package). In principle, this package installs a fully usable form of the d2c compiler, but it's slower than the fully bootstrapped version. See the gwydion-dylan package for more information. << License: BSD Homepage: