Package: tclx9 Version: 8.4.0 Revision: 2 # hardcoded assumption that this is the cpu on darwin platforms Architecture: powerpc Source: Source-MD5: b45bfd4ca2dff5520d1d514634a2d6e6 Source2: mirror:sourceforge:tcl/tcl8.4.6-src.tar.gz Source2-MD5: 9009a92dc648775fb8a9b0789b995756 BuildConflicts: lclint # lclint installs %p/lib/Makefile, which leads configure to believe # it is using tcltk from tcltk's builddir, hence failure BuildDepends: x11-dev, tcltk-dev (>=8.4.6-2) BuildDependsOnly: true Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r) ConfigureParams: --enable-shared --enable-static --with-tclconfig=%p/lib --with-tkconfig=%p/lib --with-tclinclude=%p/include --with-tkinclude=%p/include ## PatchScript: perl -pi -e 's|\@CC\@|glibtool --mode=compile \@CC\@|g' # See also in InstallScript where it alters Makefile ## CompileScript: << ./configure %c make TCL_SRC_DIR=%b/../tcl8.4.6 glibtool --mode link gcc -g -o -rpath %p/lib -version-info 8:4:0 *.lo << InstallScript: << perl -pi -e 's|%p|%i|g' Makefile # picks up the wrong install with fileutils in fink. So force it make install INSTALL=/usr/bin/install cp .libs/libtclx.8.0.4.dylib %i/lib/libtclx.8.4.0.dylib cp .libs/libtclx.{a,la} %i/lib cd %i/lib && ln -s libtclx.8.4.0.dylib libtclx.8.dylib cd %i/lib && ln -s libtclx.8.4.0.dylib libtclx.dylib rm -f %i/lib/tclx8.4/libtclx8.4.dylib cd %i/lib/tclx8.4 && ln -s ../libtclx.8.4.0.dylib libtclx8.4.dylib mkdir -p %i/share mv %i/man %i/share rmdir %i/bin << SplitOff: << Package: %N-shlibs Depends: x11, x11-shlibs, tcltk (>=8.4.6-2) Files: lib/libtclx.8.4.0.dylib lib/libtclx.8.dylib lib/tclx8.4 share/man/mann/TclX.n DocFiles: CHANGES ChangeLog README doc/CONVERSION-NOTES Description: Shared libraries and tcl files Shlibs: %p/lib/libtclx.8.dylib 8.0.0 %n (>= 8.4.0-1) << DocFiles: CHANGES ChangeLog README doc/CONVERSION-NOTES Description: Extended command set for Tcl DescDetail: << The last official release of TclX is version 8.3.5 in October, 2002. This is a build based off of a snapshot of the CVS tree. The following text comes from TclX ( is an essential package of extensions for Tcl. This package creates interpreters known as tcl. It adds advanced code loading facility, new programming constructs, debugging and profiling facilities, unix access commands, file I/O facilities including awk-like scanning for strings, extended list and a new key list capability, extended character and string manipulation commands, and time and date manipulation commands. Extended Tcl is oriented towards system programming tasks and large application development. It provides a variety of additional interfaces to the underlying operating system, as well as many new programming constructs, text manipulation tools, and debugging capabilities. Over the years, a variety of features originally appeared in TclX, and then, as the ideas were proven, migrated to the Tcl core. These features include Tcl's I/O system, its associative arrays, Internet networking interfaces, upvar, memory debugging... even incr. TclX includes documentation on debugging memory problems on how to use its keyed list data type, manipulating binary structures via handles, a guide to writing Tcl commands in C , and a reference manual for the new TclX commands themselves. << DescPort: << This info file is modeled after This package is not setup to provide a static library, so none is installed. Since there is no recent tar ball, the authors said I should get it from CVS, so here is the cvs commands I used to make a snapshot tar ball. cvs login press enter for password cvs -z3 co tclx It uses some internal headers of tcl in the generic directory, so it pulls down the tcl src. Don't know why libtool makes libtclx.8.0.4, so it gets renamed to 8.4.0. << License: BSD Maintainer: Kurt Schwehr