0.0:edlin has the following subcommands
0.1:#                 edit a single line    [#],[#],#m        move
0.2:a                 append                [#][,#]p          page
0.3:[#],[#],#,[#]c    copy                  q                 quit
0.4:[#][,#]d          delete                [#][,#][?]r$,$    replace
0.5:e<>               end (write & quit)    [#][,#][?]s$      search
0.6:[#]i              insert                [#]t<>            transfer
0.7:[#][,#]l          list                  [#]w<>            write
0.8:where $ above is a string, <> is a filename,
0.9:# is a number (which may be .=current line, $=last line,
0.10:or either number + or - another number).

1.0:Error: Invalid user input, use ? for help.
1.1:Error: No filename
1.2:line(s) read
1.3:line(s) written
1.4:Not found
1.5:String length error
1.6:String position error
1.7:Error: Out of memory
1.8:Press <Enter> to continue
1.10:Entry error

2.0:, copyright (c) 2003 Gregory Pietsch
2.1:This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
2.2:It is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
2.3:under the terms of the GNU General Public License -- either
2.4:version 2 of the license, or, at your option, any later
