Letter B

bluez-gstreamer - GStreamer support for SBC audio format

Website: http://www.bluez.org/
License: GPLv2+
Vendor: Koji
This package contains gstreamer plugins for the Bluetooth SBC audio format


bluez-gstreamer-4.66-1.el6.x86_64 [59 KiB] Changelog by Bastien Nocera (2010-06-30):
- Update to 4.66
- Update cable pairing patch
- Remove out-dated patches, including wacom pairing
- Move hidd, pand and dund man pages to the -compat
Resolves: rhbz#565586
bluez-gstreamer-4.66-1.el6.i686 [55 KiB] Changelog by Bastien Nocera (2010-06-30):
- Update to 4.66
- Update cable pairing patch
- Remove out-dated patches, including wacom pairing
- Move hidd, pand and dund man pages to the -compat
Resolves: rhbz#565586

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.5-1.el6