%% /usr/spool/ftp/pub/tex/bibtex/index, Tue Jun 30 10:53:12 1992
%% Edit by Nelson H. F. Beebe <beebe@plot79.math.utah.edu>

This directory, ~ftp/pub/tex/bibtex (from tuglib: tex/bibtex), contains
collected BibTeX style files.  These have been collected from our local
archives, plus a scan on [27-Jun-1992] of about 900 Internet ftp sites
indexed by archie, plus the contents on [27-Jun-1992] of the UK Aston
TeX archive on tex.aston.ac.uk in disk$tex:[tex-archive.bibtex.styles.contrib].

00dir.cmd			-- alphabetical verbose directory as FTP
00dir.lst			-- alphabetical verbose directory listing
00tdir.cmd			-- reverse time-ordered verbose directory as
                        	   FTP commands
00tdir.lst			-- reverse time-ordered verbose directory

aaai-named.bst			-- aaai (????) style
abbrv.bst			-- abbrev BibTeX style
abstract.bst			-- modified alpha style with `abstract' keyword
acm.bst				-- ACM BibTeX style
agsm.bst			-- Australian Government publications
alpha.bst			-- alphanumeric BibTeX style
amsalpha.bst			-- alphanumeric BibTeX style for AmSTeX;
				   this is a copy of the file
				   from the AmSTeX 2.0 distribution tree
amsplain.bst			-- Plain BibTeX style for AmSTeX
				   this is a copy of the file
				   from the AmSTeX 2.0 distribution tree
annotate.bst			-- modified alpha style with `annote' keyword
annotation.bst			-- modified plain style with `annote' keyword
apa.bst				-- American Psychology Association:
				   This is the same as apalike, but has
				   been modified a la astron.bst to use
				   \cite* for producing references like
				   "Rogers (1992)".
apalike.bst			-- APA-like BibTeX style
apalike.doc			-- LaTeX doc style file
apalike.sty			-- LaTeX sty style file (doc minus comments)
apalike.tex			-- test file describing APA-like style
apalike2.bst			-- variant of apalike
astron				-- subdirectory with Sake Hogeveen's astronomy
				   style and documentation
astron.bst			-- Astronomy BibTeX style
authordate.readme		-- remarks on David Rhead's authordate styles
authordate1.bst			-- authordate style variant 1
authordate1.ltx			-- LaTeX test for authordate style variant 1
authordate1-4.sty		-- LaTeX option for authordate style variants
authordate2.bst			-- authordate style variant 2
authordate2.ltx			-- LaTeX test for authordate style variant 2
authordate3.bst			-- authordate style variant 3
authordate3.ltx			-- LaTeX test for authordate style variant 3
authordate4.bst			-- authordate style variant 4
authordate4.ltx			-- LaTeX test for authordate style variant 4

bbs.bst				-- Behavioral and Brain Sciences style
bibtex.cms-changes		-- BibTeX change file for IBM VM/CMS
bibtex.hosek-vms-changes	-- BibTeX change file for VAX VMS
bibtex.ins			-- installation notes
bibtex.pool			-- Web pool file
bibtex.tops20-changes		-- BibTeX change file for
bibtex.vms-changes		-- BibTeX change file for
bibtex.web			-- Web source code for BibTeX
big				-- subdrirectory with bibtex change files et al
bstfiles.tar-lst		-- contents of bstfiles.tar.z
bstfiles.tar.z			-- compressed UNIX tar archive with
				   Makefile, index, *.bib, *.bst, *.doc,
				   *.lst, *.sty, and *.readme
bstfiles.zip			-- Info-ZIP archive with
				   Makefile, index, *.bib, *.bst, *.doc,
				   *.lst, *.sty, and *.readme
bstfiles.zip-lst		-- contents of bstfiles.zip
bstfiles.zoo			-- zoo archive with
				   Makefile, index, *.bib, *.bst, *.doc,
				   *.lst, *.sty, and *.readme
bstfiles.zoo-lst		-- contents of bstfiles.zoo
btxbst.doc			-- BibTeX doc style file
btxdoc.bbl			-- bibliography for btxdoc.tex
btxdoc.bib			-- bibliography data base for btxdoc.tex
btxdoc.tex			-- LaTeX file describing BibTeX
btxdoc.xua			-- backup of .aux file
btxhak.bbl			-- bibliography for btxhak.tex
btxhak.tex			-- LaTeX file describing BibTeX styles
btxmac.tex			-- TeX macros for using BibTeX with plain TeX

cbe.bst				-- Council of Biology Editors style
				   (includes such journals as American
				   Naturalist, Evolution, etc)
cell.bst			-- modification of jmb style
cover.ltx			-- cover page for btxdoc.tex
cover2.ltx			-- cover page for btxhak.tex

dcu.bst				-- style from Design Computing Unit,
				   Department of Architectural and
				   Design Science, University of Sydney

harvard.bib			-- bibliography for harvard.tex
harvard.tex			-- description of Harvard Bibliography Style
				   Family (agsm, dcu, kluwer)
harvard.sty			-- LaTeX style file needed with Harvard
humanbio.bst			-- Human Biology style
humannat.bst			-- For journals Human Nature and
				   American Anthropologist

ieeetr.bst			-- IEEE transactions BibTeX style
index				-- this file
is-abbrv.bst			-- abbrev style with ISSN and ISBN keywords
is-alpha.bst			-- alpha style with ISSN and ISBN keywords
is-plain.bst			-- plain style with ISSN and ISBN keywords
is-unsrt.bst			-- unsrt style with ISSN and ISBN keywords

jbact.bst			-- modification of jmb.sty
jmb.bst				-- Journal of Molecular Biology style
jmb.sty				-- LaTeX option for use with jmb.bst
jtb.bst				-- Journal of Theoretical Biology

kluwer.bst			-- Kluwer Academic Publishers style

mac				-- Apple Macintosh BibTeX implementation
Makefile			-- same as makefile
makefile			-- UNIX makefile; this contains rules to
				   create and typeset all of the test-*.ltx
				   and xampl-*.ltx files listed below
makefile.tops20			-- old TOPS-20 makefile (for BibTeX 0.98)
makefile.tops20-new		-- old TOPS-20 makefile (for BibTeX 0.99)
makefile.vms			-- old VAX VMS makefile

named.bst			-- named style
named.sty			-- LaTEX option for use with named.bst
namunsrt.bst			-- modification of unsrt style
nar.bst				-- Nucleic Acid Research style
nar.sty				-- LaTeX option for use with nar.bst
nature.bst			-- Nature style
nature.sty			-- LaTEX option for use with nature.bst
newapa.bst			-- modification of apalike.sty
newapa.sty			-- LaTEX option for use with newapa.bst

phaip.bst			-- American Institute of Physics
phapalik.bst			-- American Psychological Association style
phcpc.bst			-- Computer Physics Communications style
phiaea.bst			-- IAEA Conferences style
phjcp.bst			-- Journal of Computational Physics
phnf.bst			-- Nuclear Fusion style
phnflet.bst			-- Nuclear Fusion Letters style
phpf.bst			-- Physics of Fluids
phppcf.bst			-- Physics version of apalike
phreport.bst			-- internal physics reports
phrmp.bst			-- Reviews of Modern Physics
phyjabb.btx			-- Physics journal abbreviations
phyjfull.btx			-- Physics journal full names
				   (included by physics.btx)
physics.btx			-- Physics journal master file from
				   which other ph*.bst files are derived
				   using the C preprocessor (automated
				   in makefile)
plain.bst			-- Plain BibTeX style
plainyr.bst			-- Plain BibTeX style with primary sort by year

siam.bst			-- SIAM BibTeX style

test.bib			-- test bibliography data base file
				   (used by authordate*.* files)
test.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file for making test-*.ltx
				   files (automated in makefile)
test-aaai-named.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in aaai-named format
test-abbrv.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in abbrv format
test-abstract.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in abstract format
test-acm.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in acm format
test-agsm.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in agsm format
test-alpha.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in alpha format
test-amsalpha.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in amsalpha format
test-amsplain.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in amsplain format
test-annotate.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in annotate format
test-annotation.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in annotation format
test-apa.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in apa format
test-apalike.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in apalike format
test-apalike2.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in apalike2 format
test-astron.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in astron format
test-authordate1.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in authordate1 format
test-authordate2.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in authordate2 format
test-authordate3.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in authordate3 format
test-authordate4.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in authordate4 format
test-bbs.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in bbs format
test-cbe.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in cbe format
test-cell.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in cell format
test-dcu.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in dcu format
test-humanbio.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in humanbio format
test-humannat.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in humannat format
test-ieeetr.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in ieeetr format
test-is-abbrv.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in is-abbrv format
test-is-alpha.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in is-alpha format
test-is-plain.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in is-plain format
test-is-unsrt.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in is-unsrt format
test-jbact.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in jbact format
test-jmb.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in jmb format
test-jtb.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in jtb format
test-kluwer.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in kluwer format
test-named.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in named format
test-namunsrt.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in namunsrt format
test-nar.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in nar format
test-nature.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in nature format
test-newapa.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in newapa format
test-phaip.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in phaip format
test-phapalik.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in phapalik format
test-phcpc.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in phcpc format
test-phiaea.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in phiaea format
test-phjcp.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in phjcp format
test-phnf.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in phnf format
test-phnflet.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in phnflet format
test-phpf.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in phpf format
test-phppcf.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in phppcf format
test-phreport.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in phreport format
test-phrmp.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in phrmp format
test-plain.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in plain format
test-plainyr.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in plainyr format
test-siam.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in siam format
test-unsrt.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in unsrt format
testadb.ltx			-- include file for authordate*.ltx files

unsrt.bst			-- Unsorted BibTeX style

xampl.bib			-- sample bibliography data base file
xampl.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file for making xampl-*.ltx
				   files (automated in makefile)
xampl-aaai-named.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in aaai-named format
xampl-abbrv.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in abbrv format
xampl-abstract.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in abstract format
xampl-acm.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in acm format
xampl-agsm.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in agsm format
xampl-alpha.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in alpha format
xampl-amsalpha.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in amsalpha format
xampl-amsplain.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in amsplain format
xampl-annotate.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in annotate format
xampl-annotation.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in annotation format
xampl-apa.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in apa format
xampl-apalike.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in apalike format
xampl-apalike2.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in apalike2 format
xampl-astron.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in astron format
xampl-authordate1.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in authordate1 format
xampl-authordate2.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in authordate2 format
xampl-authordate3.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in authordate3 format
xampl-authordate4.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in authordate4 format
xampl-bbs.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in bbs format
xampl-cbe.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in cbe format
xampl-cell.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in cell format
xampl-dcu.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in dcu format
xampl-humanbio.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in humanbio format
xampl-humannat.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in humannat format
xampl-ieeetr.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in ieeetr format
xampl-is-abbrv.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in is-abbrv format
xampl-is-alpha.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in is-alpha format
xampl-is-plain.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in is-plain format
xampl-is-unsrt.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in is-unsrt format
xampl-jbact.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in jbact format
xampl-jmb.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in jmb format
xampl-jtb.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in jtb format
xampl-kluwer.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in kluwer format
xampl-named.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in named format
xampl-namunsrt.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in namunsrt format
xampl-nar.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in nar format
xampl-nature.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in nature format
xampl-newapa.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in newapa format
xampl-phaip.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in phaip format
xampl-phapalik.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in phapalik format
xampl-phcpc.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in phcpc format
xampl-phiaea.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in phiaea format
xampl-phjcp.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in phjcp format
xampl-phnf.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in phnf format
xampl-phnflet.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in phnflet format
xampl-phpf.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in phpf format
xampl-phppcf.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in phppcf format
xampl-phreport.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in phreport format
xampl-phrmp.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in phrmp format
xampl-plain.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in plain format
xampl-plainyr.ltx		-- sample LaTeX file: bib in plainyr format
xampl-siam.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in siam format
xampl-unsrt.ltx			-- sample LaTeX file: bib in unsrt format
xbtxbst.doc			-- master file from which is-*.bst files
				   are automatically generated by steps
				   in the Makefile