The Math Design fonts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Free mathematical fonts that match with existing text fonts. By now, three fonts families are available: * mdput family corresponds to Adobe Utopia text fonts * mdugm family corresponds to URW Garamond text fonts * mdbch family corresponds to Bitstream Charter text fonts These text fonts are available on CTAN: CTAN directory of Adobe Utopia : fonts/utopia CTAN directory of URW Garamond : nonfree/fonts/urw/garamond CTAN directory of Bitstream Charter : fonts/charter The fonts provided by the Math Design project are free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. NOTES ON UPGRADING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you install a new version of the Math Design fonts, be sure to delete all the pk files that has been automatically created by xdvi or yap. If you forget to do that, your document could seem ugly if you read them with xdvi or yap. Anyway, pdf versions and printing will be fine. SMALL CAPITALS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To obtain small capitals with the charter and utopia version of the fonts, you must: 1) Obtain the corresponding commercial fonts from your favorite font seller. This is the font you'll need : Charter : Charter Small Cap (bchrc8a.pfb) Charter Bold Small Cap (bchbc8a.pfb) Utopia : Utopia Expert Regular (putr8x.pfb) Utopia Expert Bold (putb8x.pfb) You need the Windows Postscript versions of the fonts. 2) Rename the preceding font files. I have indicated in parenthesis the new name of each file. 3) Put the renamed file somewhere tex will be able to find them. $TEXMF/fonts/type1/bitsrea/charter or $TEXMF/fonts/type1/adobe/utopia should be fine. 4) Refresh your texmf file database, by running an utility like "mktexlsr" or "texconfig rehash". 5) That's it ! Now use the mathdesign package with the option "expert". Small caps and oldstyle figure are available with the command \textsc{...}. CHANGES ~~~~~~~ v 1.55 * The emplacement of some files has changed * 'faked' small caps are now avalaible v 1.5 * Even more spacing corrections * A config file mathdesign.cfg is now avalaible * A new \figurecircled command is defined * \circledS gives the expected result * \bigvee and \bigwedge are now correct * \heart and \diamond are now outlined * New "expert" option added v 1.41 * Corrected a bug in option parsing of mathdesign.sty v 1.4 * Dimensions of large delimiters are now correct * Indices and exposant of script letters correctly placed * Overshoot of greek letters corrected (muchas gracias a Ricard Torres por haberme se�alado el problema) * Slanted font have now correct names in map files (merci � Jean-Michel Sarlat) * Symbols added (\smallin, various multiple integrals) v 1.31 * Style files don't use \AtBeginDocument any longer (except for \euro). v 1.3 * The text fonts of Charter and Utopia have been slightly reduced * Support of sans serif and monospaced fonts simplified * Many approachs corrected * Some kerning correction in Charter * Option 'amssymb' deprecated (the ams symbol are now loaded when needed) v 1.2 * New family added: Bitstream Charter * Options of the package use now the keyval syntax v 1.1 * Many small corrections in glyph design * Approachs of Garamond have been tightened *a lot* * Arrows shape of Garamond changed v 1.0 * Initial release REQUIREMENTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~ A recent TeX distribution (tetex v. >3.0 or miktex v. >2.0) is strongly recommended: the installation process will be *much* easier. The text fonts must be already installed on your system. If these fonts are free, you can download them from CTAN. If not, you must get them from the supplier. What you need precisely are the *.pfb files. Install them on your texmf tree in the directory $TEXMF/fonts/type1/supplier/name where $TEXMF is the path of your texmf root, supplier is the name of the supplier of the font (e.g. adobe) and name is the name of the font (e.g. utopia). If you use some recent distribution (e.g. MikTeX, tetex, etc.) the free fonts are probably already installed on your system. INSTALLATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0) First, you must choose the texmf tree where you want to install the Math Design fonts. This tree is probably some local or personal tree (for example: "c:/localtexmf" with miktex v2.3>). 1) Install now the core files, required by all the Math Design package. Download the archive and unzip it in the root directory of the texmf tree you have chosen. 2) Download the archive of each family and unzip it in the root directory of the texmf tree you have chosen. 3) Now refresh your texmf file database, by running an utility like "mktexlsr" or "texconfig rehash". 4) Update the configuration files of your favourite drivers (e.g. dvips, xdvi, yap, pdftex, etc.). On recent distributions, a script called 'updmap' does all the job for you. Add the following lines at the end of the file 'updmap.cfg': Map Map Map and then run 'updmap' from a command line. ENJOY ~~~~~ To use the package, simply add the following line in the preamble of your source file: \usepackage[supplier-typeface]{mathdesign} Where supplier-typeface is one the following: adobe-utopia urw-garamond bitsream-charter Please read the documentation for more options and commands. Thank you for using the Math Design fonts and happy TeXing :-) Paul Pichaureau, Paris, Easter 2005