Copyright 2008 Hirwen Harendal and Clea F. Rees

This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX
Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option)
any later version.  The latest version of this license is in and version 1.3 or later is part of all
distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.

This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.

The Current Maintainer of this work is Clea F. Rees.

This work consists of all files listed in manifest.txt.


This package includes the VenturisADF font collection, LaTeX support files and

Copyright and licensing 


The Venturis Collection consists of fonts made by Arkandis Digital Foundry
(ADF), collectively known as the "Software", currently maintained by ADF.  As
the Software is modified from Utopia fonts, they are under the same license as
the Utopia fonts themselves.  That is, Akandis Digital Foundry hereby grants the
TeX Users Group and any and all other interested parties the rights enumerated
in the Utopia license.

As Venturis is a trademark of Arkandis Digital Foundry, any modified versions of
Software shall not use the font name(s) or trademark(s), in whole or in part,
unless explicit written permission is granted by ADF as described in the initial

The following changes have been made to the standard Venturis Collection font
files in preparing this package for use with (La)TeX:
- the postscript versions of the fonts have been renamed according to the Karl
  Berry fontname scheme.

TeX/LaTeX support files and documentation

Modifications included in t1-venturis.etx are copyright 2008 Clea F. Rees (see 

Code from t1.etx copyright 2002 Alan Jeffrey and Sebastian Rahtz and Ulrik Vieth
and Lars Hellstr{\"o}m (see below).

The file lining.etx is copyright 2003 Philipp Lehman (see below).

README (this file) and LIST-Venturis.txt are copyright 2008 Hirwen Harendal and
Clea F. Rees.

All other files listed in manifest.txt are copyright 2008 Clea F. Rees.

This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX
Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option)
any later version.  The latest version of this license is in and version 1.3 or later is part of all
distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.

This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.

The Current Maintainer of this work is Clea F. Rees.

This work consists of all files listed in manifest.txt.

The following changes have been made to the standard Venturis Collection
documentation in preparing this package:
- a new README (this file) has replaced the original README, incorporating both
  relevant parts of the original and additional information concerning TeX/LaTeX
- LIST-Venturis.txt has been edited to reflect the Karl Berry fontname scheme
  used for the postscript type 1 fonts (see below).

The following files are derived works under the terms of the LPPL:


lining.etx is derived from The Font Installation Guide by Philipp Lehman.
lining.etx is unmodified.  

A copy of The Font Installation Guide is available from
The included archive figuide-examples.tar.gz consists of files and templates
released under the LPPL.  These include both lining.etx.


t1-venturis.etx is derived from the file t1.etx supplied with the package
fontinst.  For details, see the notice included in t1-venturis.etx.  fontinst is
released under the LPPL.


Fonts and documentation 

PS-Type1: ANSI Adobe standard encoding. All fonts are Hinted with kerning and

OTF:  All fonts include full opentype features and subroutines, compiled with

PS 1.004 RELEASE VERSION: November 2008
- Minor corrections, liga addition, new kerning table.

PS 1.003 RELEASE VERSION: June -06- 2008
- Minor corrections, hinting ajustements 

PS 1.002 RELEASE VERSION: December -28- 2007
- New kerning table, and minor corrections 

PS 1.001 RELEASE VERSION: December -15-2007
- Add VenturisOld family, VenturisSans heavy and heavy oblique,
  VenturisTitlingNo4 (outlines) 
PS 1.000 RELEASE VERSION: October-01-2007
- Add VenturisN2 Condensed and Medium families. 

TeX/LaTeX support files and documentation

The LaTeX support files, unlike the fonts themselves, are experimental. Although
I don't think they will persuade your cat to revolt (how many cats need
persuading?) or drink all your tea, things may not work as advertised. If you
find bugs, please let me know. I will fix them if I can. If you know how to fix
them, please tell me as this greatly increases the chances of the "if I can"
condition being satisfied.

Installation and use 

TeX/LaTeX support 

See included documentation, venturisadf.pdf, for information regarding (La)TeX

The LaTeX packages (venturis, venturis2 and venturisold) require nfssext-cfr,
available from CTAN.

Further information 

For further information about the Venturis Collection and other Arkandis Digital
Foundry fonts, see the ADF homepage:

Further information about ADF font development for the TeX Users Group is
available at: This page
includes full Venturis font previews.


Package maintained by ADF
- font development and maintenance by Hiwen HARENDAL 
	(harendalh <at> hotmail <dot> com)
- TeX/LaTeX support and documentation by Clea F. Rees 
	(cfrees <at> imapmail <dot> org) 

Version: 2008/12/21