This file belongs to the ROEX package.



The package ROEX belongs to the public domain. You are entitled to do with
the files of which it consists whatever you wish. If you alter a file,
however, please remove the line containing the comment

              `This file belongs to the ROEX package.'

in order to avoid a mess.

The ROEX.MF file contains a set of METAFONT macros accomplishing the
task of removing overlaps and expanding strokes. The algorithm was
suggested by Stefan Soko\l{}owski, the implementation was done
by Bogus\l{}aw Jackowski, Piotr Pianowski and Marek Ry\'cko.

The operations of removing overlaps and expanding strokes are especially
useful in context of PostScript, hence all examples make use of the MFTOEPS
package; however, PostScript here is not essential.

Detailed description of the macros can be found in the file ROEX.MF,
examples of using the package can be found in the subdirectory ROEXSAMP.



The inspection of the source code of the ROEX.MF program may reveal
a few more useful macros.
