%%% File: README
%%% A part of mfpic 1.03 2009/11/13

MFpic defines a command group \mfpic...\endmfpic (optionally in LaTeX
an environment, mfpic) and drawing commands to be used inside this group.
When TeX (or LaTeX) is run on a file containing those commands, a
MetaPost (or Metafont) source file is created. When that file is correctly
processed by MetaPost (or Metafont), and LaTeX or TeX is run again, the
result is a figure in the TeX document at the location of each

See install.txt for initial setup and brief installation instructions.
See mfpguide.pdf for a short tutorial. See below for a summary of
features added since the previous official release (0.9). See the
manual mfpic-doc.pdf for more detailed instructions and descriptions
of features.

This is mfpic version 1.03.

All files of the core mfpic distribution (listed below) may be
distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project
Public License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option)
any later version. The latest version of this license is in


and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version
2008/12/01 or later.

While every effort has been made to make mfpic useful, it comes with no
warranty, expressed or implied.

Here is a list, plus explanation of purpose, of all files in the mfpic
distribution. Read it *before* trying to process any of the example
files. These, and the files generated by running tex on mfpic.ins,
constitute the mfpic distribution to which the LPPL applies.

The four files marked with * below are the only ones essential
for using all the facilities of mfpic.

All the *.tex files in the doc directory (except the plainTeX file
mfpcard.tex) require the LaTeX style file mfpdoc.sty. The mfpic manual
is mfpic-doc.pdf.

Source files:
*mfpic.dtx      Contains mfpic.sty and mfpic.tex
*grafbase.dtx   Contains grafbase.mf, grafbase.mp and dvipsnam.mp
*mfpic.ins      The unpacking script: run tex or latex on it. It reads
                in mfpic.dtx and grafbase.dtx and produces the only
                required run-time files: mfpic.sty, mfpic.tex,
                grafbase.mf, grafbase.mp, and dvipsnam.mp

TeX/LaTeX code:
*mfpic.tex      Basic TeX/LaTeX code
*mfpic.sty      LaTeX2e \usepackage wrapper for mfpic.tex
*mfppatch.tex   patches and bugfixes. (Not actually required unless
                there are some patches.)

MetaPost/Metafont code:
*grafbase.mp    MetaPost macros supporting mfpic
*dvipsnam.mp    Color definitions for MetaPost, input by grafbase.mp
*grafbase.mf    Metafont macos supporting mfpic

 changes.txt    Summary of 17 years of changes
 install.txt    Basic information on installation
 README         This file.
 mfpguide.pdf   Precompiled tutorial (usletter paper size)
 mfpic-doc.pdf  Precompiled manual   (usletter paper size)
 mfpcard.pdf    Precompiled reference card (usletter, landscape).
 mfpdoc.sty     LaTeX style used by the next two
 mfpguide.tex   LaTeX source for mfpguide.pdf, requires mfpdoc.sty and
                the mfpic package.
 mfpic-doc.tex  LaTeX source for mfpic-doc.pdf, requires mfpdoc.sty.
 coil.mps       Figure included in mfpic-doc.tex
 mfpcard.tex    reference card source, should fit on two sides of
                either USletter or A4, rotated. Plain TeX.

 pictures.tex   Running tex on it produces pics.mp
 lapictures.tex Running latex on it produces same pics.mp
 data.dat       Sample data file needed for above two
 forfun.tex     Example of \mfsrc: running tex on it produces fun.mp

This distribution, the latest updates, and some past versions, should also be
available at my web site:


NEW FEATURES since Version 0.9

 -- Color functions cmyk() and gray() produce colors in the cmyk and
    grayscale color models, if the MetaPost version is at least 1.000.
    Extensive changes needed in grafbase, almost none in mfpic itself.
    Also cyan, magenta and yellow now predefined to be cmykcolor.

 -- Color functions makecmyk, makergb and makegray force the conversion
    of their argument to the indicated color model.

 -- Command \setfilenametemplate to set the file names for the graphics
    output by MetaPost. Does not support putting the system time/date
    in the name, even though MetaPost does.

 -- Commands \mfmode and \mfresolution to set the Metafont printer mode
    and resolution, if pictures are to be created by Metafont.

 -- Commands \cbeziers and \closedcbeziers. The cubic equivalents of
    the quadratic \qbeziers and \closedqbeziers.

 -- Command \pshcircle produces a circle in the hyperbolic geometry of
    the unit disk or (star form) the upper half-plane. If you don't
    know what that means, don't worry, it's for complex function
    theorists (like me).

 -- Command \brownianmotion simulates Brownian motion.

 -- \mfpverbtex is now cumulative when used prior to \opengraphsfile.

 -- Better(?) handling of the filename argument of \opengraphsfile.

 -- bugfix in \vectorfield.

Dan Luecking  (luecking at uark dot edu)
Department of Mathematical Sciences
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701-1201