% simple class to format the UK TeX FAQ in two columns \ProvidesClass{faq}[2002/03/11 v2.0 UK TeX FAQ] \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1995/12/01] \newif\if@patchversion \@patchversionfalse \DeclareOption{patch}{\@patchversiontrue} \DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{article}} \ProcessOptions \LoadClass{article} \RequirePackage[hyphens,obeyspaces]{url} \RequirePackage{multicol,faq} % now, hack at page layout, taking account of whether we're in a % single-column version... % **************************************** % * PAGE LAYOUT * % **************************************** % % (This stuff is hacked from SPQR (et al) in baskerv.cls) % % SIDE MARGINS: (as is for single column) \ifsinglecolumn\else \oddsidemargin -2.5pc \evensidemargin -2.5pc \marginparwidth 4pc % don't use marginal notes... \marginparsep 0.5pc % ...in the UK TUG newsletter \fi % VERTICAL SPACING: \topmargin -0.5in % allow half an inch border \headheight 0\p@ % we don't bother with headers here ... \headsep 0\p@ % ... this ain't a publication \topskip 10\p@ \footskip 15\p@ % DIMENSION OF TEXT: % vertical dimension \textheight \paperheight \advance\textheight -1.5in %\textheight 250mm % height of text on a page (A4 paper) % horizontal dimension: pro tem, as is for singlcolumn \ifsinglecolumn\else \textwidth \paperwidth \advance\textwidth -1in %\textwidth 180mm % total width of a page (A4 paper) \columnseprule 0.5\p@ % width of line in the inter-column gutter \columnsep 10mm % space between columns \tolerance 9999 % make those columns justify \fi % FOOTNOTES: \footnotesep 6\p@ \skip\footins 19.5\p@ plus 12\p@ \@minus \p@ % page footer: include date if patched version \def\@twodigit#1{\ifnum#1<10\relax0\fi\number#1} \def\faq@patched@date{\@arabic\year-\@twodigit\month-\@twodigit\day} \if@patchversion \renewcommand\ps@plain{% \let\@mkboth\@gobbletwo \let\@evenhead\@empty \let\@oddhead\@empty \def\@oddfoot{% \reset@font \hfil \faq@patched@date\ : \thepage \hfil }% \let\@evenfoot\@oddfoot } \let\ps@myplain\ps@plain \pagestyle{myplain} \fi % little patch generated in investigating a request from a user here % in cambridge \let\FAQ@@tableofcontents\tableofcontents \renewcommand\tableofcontents{{% \let\FAQ@@addvspace\addvspace \def\addvspace##1{% \@tempskipa##1\relax \FAQ@@addvspace{0.1\@tempskipa}% }% \FAQ@@tableofcontents }}