                |        The Visual LaTeX FAQ       |
                |                                   |
                | Scott Pakin, scott+vfaq@pakin.org |


Having trouble finding the answer to a LaTeX question?  The Visual
LaTeX FAQ is an innovative new search interface that presents over a
hundred typeset samples of frequently requested document formatting.
Simply click on a hyperlinked piece of text and the Visual LaTeX FAQ
will send your Web browser to the appropriate page in the UK TeX FAQ.


The Visual LaTeX FAQ makes extensive use of PDF hyperlinks to Web
pages.  Unfortunately, not every PDF viewer supports this type of
hyperlink and even those viewers that do may need to be configured to
launch a Web browser.  The troubleshoot-vlf.pdf document is intended
to help troubleshoot problems with hyperlinks in the Visual LaTeX FAQ.
Follow the instructions in that document to help determine why
hyperlinks aren't working on your system.

Copyright and license

Copyright (C) 2006 by Scott Pakin, scott+vfaq@pakin.org

This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3b of this license
or (at your option) any later version.  The latest version of this
license is in:


and version 1.3b or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
version 2006/01/07 or later.