% hefonts.sty
% ArabTeX
% load Hebrew fonts in LaTeX mode
% 02.07.1997 
% (c) Klaus Lagally and Bernd Raichle
%     Institut fuer Informatik
%     Universitaet Stuttgart
% load this file only, if \pheb not defined
% select the Hebrew font by \pheb (\protected )

\expandafter \ifx \csname pheb\endcsname \relax \else
  \expandafter \endinput

\a@ident {hefonts.sty} {3.06 standard Hebrew fonts} {02.07.1997}

\chardef \fntatcode = \catcode`\@            \catcode`\@ = 11
\chardef \fntlscode = \catcode`\<            \catcode`\< = 12

\ifx \LaTeX \undefined \else

% If we are using the NFSS, Version 2,  \DeclareFontShape
% is defined.
% (The \expandafter\ifx\csname...\endcsname\relax is necessary,
% because the NFSS2 styleoptions use LaTeX's internal \@ifundefined
% command.)
\xpa \ifx \csname DeclareFontShape\endcsname\relax

% Now it's possible that NFSS, Version 1, is used.
% If \selectfont is defined, NFSS is active, otherwise
% we assume LaTeX's `lfonts.tex'.
	\xpa \ifx \csname selectfont\endcsname\relax

		\UsePackage {hefonts0}
	\else 	% NEW FONT SELECTION -- Version 1
		\UsePackage {hefonts1}
		% NEW FONT SELECTION -- Version 2
	\UsePackage {hefonts2}

\catcode`\@ = \fntatcode        \catcode`\< = \fntlscode                   

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