26 Jun 1995

Welcome to my contribution to the exciting world of diagram macros. :^)

The macros in kuvio.tex use PostScript code embedded in \special control
sequences to rotate arrows from the horizontal. This means we depend on a dvi
to ps translator to correctly interpret the PostScript. The translator I've
used while writing this is Tomas Rokicki's excellent dvips. There is a control
sequence \kuviospecial for changing the \special syntax so it may be possible
to use kuvio.tex with other translators.

A few features of kuvio.tex.

 1. Input uses an alignment syntax not unlike other packages.

 2. Rigid and flexible grids.

 3. Diagram compilation for improved performance.

 4. Almost every choice made by the macros in kuvio.tex is adjustable by
    the user.

 5. A labelling scheme for typesetting material on top of diagrams or
    included PostScript figures.

 6. Arrows can be attached to points on other arrows.

 7. Since arrows are rotated from the horizontal, anything which can
    be typeset horizontally can be used as an arrow in a diagram. New arrow
    types are easily defined.

 8. General purpose macros for rotation, reflection and framing.

The documentation, "Typesetting diagrams with kuvio.tex", has more details.

Be forewarned that dvi file previewers differ in how they handle the
\special's used in kuvio.tex. On the NeXT, Rokicki's TeXview understands
them just fine. (Note however that versions prior to that of February 1994
sometimes chose the wrong font in certain situations. The latest should be
available by ftp from labrea.stanford.edu as /pub/texview.tar.Z.)
Xdvi gets thoroughly confused. Other previewers may die agonizing deaths.
Of course, one can always preview a .ps file. Ghostview does an excellent job
of this under X.

Anders Svensson  <svensson@math.ubc.ca>