%% File: ascelike.cls
%% An unofficial LaTeX class file for preparing review manuscripts and
%% camera-ready manuscripts for ASCE journals and conference proceedings
%% =============================================
%% See the copyright and distribution conditions below.
%% Copyright 1999:
%%  Matthew R Kuhn
%%  School of Engineering
%%  University of Portland
%%  5000 N Willamette Blvd
%%  Portland OR  97203
%%  USA
%%  E-mail: kuhn@egr.up.edu
%% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
%% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed, available from the CTAN
%% archives; either version 1.1 of the License, or any later version.  
%% Most importantly, you may modify this file, but only if you rename it.
%% This is a contributed file to the LaTeX2e system.
%% This program consists of the files ascelike.cls and ascelike.bst
%% -----------------------------------
%% This document class produces manuscripts that roughly comply with
%% the guidelines of the American Society of Civil Engineers.  However,
%% it was not produced by ASCE, its agents, or employees; nor is it in
%% any way sanctioned or approved by that organization.
%% -----------------------------------
%% Please note the following usage:
%%   1) This is a LATEX2E class file; it will not work with LaTeX 2.09.
%%   2) It requires the following supplementary files:
%%        ifthen.sty    (part of the standard latex release)
%%        setspace.sty  (produces doubles spacing for journal manuscripts)
%%        endfloat.sty  (places figures and tables at the end of the manuscript
%%      Without these files, it won't work.  All three files are available 
%%      from the CTAN archive, currently at //http:www.tug.org/ctan.html
%%   3) The following files can be used with the tool bibtex to produce 
%%      ASCE-like reference citations and entries (with the weird use of 
%%      quotation marks around titles, etc.)
%%        ascelike.bst
%%        ascelike.bib  (an example bibliographic database for use with bibtex)
%%   3) There are several options.  The two main options are
%%         Journal or Proceedings:
%%         - "Journal" produces double-spaced manuscripts for ASCE journals.
%%           It places tables and figures at the end of the manuscript, 
%%           produces a list of table and list of figures.  Numbers the
%%           appendices with Roman numerals.  Produces proper headings for 
%%           sections, subsections, subsubsections, appendices, and abstract.  
%%           Produces the proper page margins, and numbers the pages, 
%%         - "Proceedings" produces camera-ready single-spaced manuscripts
%%           for ASCE conference proceedings.  It places figures and tables
%%           within the text.  It produces proper headings for 
%%           sections, subsections, subsubsections, appendices, and abstract.  
%%           Produces the proper page margins, and numbers the pages.
%%       The remaining option override the defaults that are set by the
%%       above formats:
%%         - BackFigs or InsideFigs:
%%           These can be used to override the default placement of tables
%%           and figures for the Journal and Proceeding formats.
%%         - SingleSpace or DoubleSpace:
%%           These can be used to override the default text spacing for
%%           the Journal and Proceeding formats.
%%         - 10pt, 11pt, or 12pt:
%%           These can be used to override the default text size (12pt).
%% A few standard Latex options have been removed, as they don't seem to apply
%%   in the ASCE environment: landscape, titlepage, openbib, leqno, fleqn
%% As for preparing the document file: except for the new options, you
%%   should just use standard sequencing of LaTeX commands.  
%% The only new command that I've added is the \NameTag command which 
%%   prints your name in the bottom right corner of every page (as with 
%%   the ASCE shiny, camera-ready paper).  Insert it in the preamble of
%%   your document file:  \NameTag{<your name>}.
%% Please contact Matthew Kuhn by email for suggestions, etc.
     [1999/06/25 asce-like manuscripts (Am. Soc. Civ. Engr.)]
% Declare text size options so that 12pt can be made the default option
% Make 12pt and Journal the default options
% These *.sty packages must be installed along this *.cls file. Note that 
%   the package endfloat.sty is also required further below in order to
%   place figures at the end of the paper.
% Use these defaults (can be changed with the BackFigs and InsideFigs options):
%   For Journal manuscripts:     1) place figures at the end of the manuscript,
%                                2) double spacing of text
%   For Proceedings manuscripts: 1) place figures within the text,
%                                2) single spacing of text
% Various messages displayed on the screen:
{\typeout{A "Journal" style manuscript will be produced}}
{\typeout{A "Proceedings" style manuscript will be produced}}
  Figures and Tables will be placed together at the end of the manuscript
  (change with the 'InsideFigs' option)}}
  Figures and Tables will be placed within the text of the manuscript
  (change with the 'BackFigs' option)}}
  Text will be double spaced (change with the 'SingleSpace' option)}}
  Text will be single spaced (change with the 'DoubleSpace' option)}}
\typeout{Text will be \ptsize 
 \space(change with the '10pt', '11pt', & '12pt' options)}
% Delay the possible loading of these packages until the beginning of   7-18-00
% the document.  This should avoid conflicts with user-load versions    7-18-00
% of the same packages.                                                 7-18-00
\AtBeginDocument{%                                                      7-18-00
}%                                                                      7-18-00
% Page layout for Proceedings manuscripts:
{\setlength{\topmargin}     {0.25in}
 \setlength{\headheight}    {0.00in}
 \setlength{\headsep}       {0.00in}
 \setlength{\textheight}    {8.83in}
 \setlength{\footskip}      {0.40in}
 \setlength{\oddsidemargin} {0.45in}
 \setlength{\textwidth}     {5.71in}
 \setlength{\marginparsep}  {0.00in}
 \setlength{\marginparpush} {0.00in}}
% Page layout for Journal manuscripts:
{\setlength{\topmargin}     {0.00in}
 \setlength{\headheight}    {0.00in}
 \setlength{\headsep}       {0.00in}
 \setlength{\textheight}    {9.00in}
 \setlength{\footskip}      {0.50in}
 \setlength{\oddsidemargin} {0.00in}
 \setlength{\textwidth}     {6.50in}
 \setlength{\marginparsep}  {0.00in}
 \setlength{\marginparpush} {0.00in}}
% Author-year citations in the ASCE style.  The following code was
%   adopted from the chicago.sty package.  I removed the 'long citation 
%   style' to make all citations in the short style used by ASCE (i.e., 
%   using "et. al" for multiple authors).  
% Here's an adaptation of chicago.sty notes for the various citation
%   options that I've included:
%  \cite{key}
%    which produces citations with full author list and year.
%    eg. (Brown 1978; Jarke et al. 1985)
%  \citeNP{key}
%    which produces citations with full author list and year, but without
%    enclosing parentheses:
%    eg. Brown 1978; Jarke et. al 1985
%  \citeA{key}
%    which produces citations with only the full author list.
%    eg. (Brown; Jarke et. al)
%  \citeN{key}
%    which produces citations with the full author list and year, but
%    can be used as nouns in a sentence; no parentheses appear around
%    the author names, but only around the year.
%      eg. Shneiderman (1978) states that......
%    \citeN should only be used for a single citation.
%  \citeyear{key}
%    which produces the year information only, within parentheses.
%  \citeyearNP{key}
%    which produces the year information only.
% `NP' means `no parentheses'.
% Place commas in-between citations in the same \citeyear, \citeyearNP,
%  or \citeN command.
% Use something like \citeN{ref1,ref2,ref3} and \citeN{ref4} for a list.
   {\@ifnextchar [{\@tempswatrue\@citedatax}%
    {\@citea\def\@citea{, }\@ifundefined% by Young
       {b@\@citeb}{{\bf ?}%
       \@warning{Citation `\@citeb' on page \thepage \space undefined}}%
{\csname b@\@citeb\endcsname}}}{#1}}%
    {\@citea\def\@citea{; }\@ifundefined% by Young
       {b@\@citeb}{{\bf ?}%
       \@warning{Citation `\@citeb' on page \thepage \space undefined}}%
{\csname b@\@citeb\endcsname}}}{#1}}%
    \def\@cite##1##2{(##1\if@tempswa , ##2\fi)}%
    \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{##2 ##3}\@internalcite}
    \def\@cite##1##2{##1\if@tempswa , ##2\fi}%
    \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{##2 ##3}\@internalcite}
    \def\@cite##1##2{##1\if@tempswa , ##2)\else{)}\fi}%
    \def\citeauthoryear##1##2##3{##2 (##3}\citedata}
    \def\@cite##1##2{(##1\if@tempswa , ##2\fi)}%
    \def\@cite##1##2{(##1\if@tempswa , ##2\fi)}%
    \def\@cite##1##2{##1\if@tempswa , ##2\fi}%
% An ASCE-like title on the first page
       \global\@topnum\z@   % Prevents figures from going at top of page.
% \begin{center}%
% \end{center}%
% An ASCE-like abstract
% ASCE-like section, subsection, and subsubsection headings
                            {1.00ex\@plus 1ex \@minus .2ex}%
                            {0.2ex \@plus .2ex}%
                               {1.00ex\@plus 1ex \@minus .2ex}%
                               {0.2ex \@plus .2ex}%
% ASCE-like appendix headings.  In order to get appendix heading such as
%   'Appendix II: Notation' you must insert the line '\appendix' in your
%   document *.tex file at the start of the appendices.
    \flushleft\normalsize\bfseries\sffamily\appendixname\ %
    \thesection. \uppercase{#1}\par}\nopagebreak}%
% An ASCE-like "enumerate" environment for numbered lists
% An ASCE-like "itemize" environment for 'bulleted' items
% ASCE-like figure labels
  \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\TempBoxl > \textwidth}}
    {\sffamily\bfseries\normalsize#1.  \sffamily\bfseries\normalsize#2\par}%
    {\centering \usebox{\TempBoxb}}
% Float parameters suggested by G. Granger in TUGboat 15(2)
% An ASCE-like layout of the bibliographic items
            \itemindent -\bibindent
            \listparindent \itemindent
            \parsep \z@
       {\@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%
% A new commond for "tagging" the author's name on the bottom right
%   corner of the page (as per the ASCE shiny, camera-ready blank paper)
   \sffamily\bfseries\KeyWordName: %