_________________ The COMBINE class The combine class lets you bundle individual documents into a single document, such as when preparing a conference proceedings. The auxiliary combinet package puts the titles and authors from \maketitle commands into the main document's table of contents and the combnat package enables the combine class and the natbib package to be used harmoniously together. The auxiliary combcite package provides a version of the cite package for use with the combine class. ______________ Change History Changes in version 0.64b of combine.dtx (2009/09/02) - New maintainer (Will Robertson) Minor change in the manual's abstract (2004/05/07) Changes in version 0.2a of combinet.sty (2004/03/06) - Minor internal change to ease hyperref pain Changes in version 1.0 of combcite.sty (2003/11/09) - First public release Changes in version 0.52 of combine.cls (2003/11/09) - Added `memoir' to the class options Changes in version 0.51 of combine.cls (2003/07/17) - Added macro to fix stack overflow for the combination: pdflatex + combine + graphicx + caption2 Changes in version 0.21 of combnat.sty (2003/05/22) - Removed extraneous space from year citation. Changes in version 0.5 of combine.cls and version 0.2 of combnat.sty (2002/08/24) - Added options for individual bibliographies, a global bibliography, or both local bibliographies and a global combined bibliography. Changes in version 0.45 of combine.cls and version 0.2 of combinet.sty (2001/09/05) - Fixed ToC alignment problem Changes in version 0.44 of combine.cls (2001/08/25) - Imported documents can now use a class that \LoadClass another class. Changes in version 0.43 of combine.cls (2001/07/09) - Removed the feature that the \appendix command changed the numbering scheme in all subsequent imported documents - ToC additions are now in predefined order instead of input order Changes in version 0.1 of combnat.sty (2001/07/03) - First public release Changes in version 0.42 of combine.cls (2001/04/04) - Fixed incompatibility with the fancyhdr package - Reduced, and hopefully eliminated, a pagebreak problem in the ToC Changes in version 0.41 of combine.cls (2000/06/18) - Cooperates with the abstract and titling packages Changes in version 0.4 of combine.cls (2000/05/27) - Added book option - Extra options for ToC contents and more flexible ToC formatting - Counters are now reset for each imported document - Reduced the save stack size required for latexing combine.dtx Changes in version 0.3 of combine.cls: (2000/05/20) - \newtheorem is now catered for - Control over the \maketitle formatting - Improved documentation Changes in version 0.2 of combine.cls: (2000/05/07) - Renamed as combine class instead of collection class - Improved documentation Changes in version 0.1 of combinet.sty: (2000/05/07) - First public release ----------------------------------------------------------------- Author: Peter Wilson, Herries Press Maintainer: Will Robertson (will dot robertson at latex-project dot org) Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Peter R. Wilson This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version: <http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt> This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". The Current Maintainer of this work is Will Robertson. This work consists of the following files: README (this file) combine.dtx combine.ins combine.pdf and the derived files: combine.cls combinet.sty combnat.sty ----------------------------------------------------------------- The distribution consists of the following files: README (this file) combine.dtx combine.ins combine.pdf (user manual) To install the distribution: - run: latex combine.ins (which will generate combine.cls, combinet.sty and combnat.sty) - run: latex combine.dtx - For an index, run: makeindex -s gind.ist combine - run: latex combine.dtx - Print combine.dvi for a hardcopy of the user manual - Move combine.cls, combinet.sty and combnat.sty to locations where LaTeX will find them (The FAQ on CTAN in /help/uktug-FAQ gives more information about this magic place). 2004/05/07 Peter Wilson