% This is file 'draftmark.sty'.                                            %
%                                                                          %
% This package puts a user-specified draftmark and arbitrary texts on      %
% select pages of documents. It is more general than the 'draftwatermark'  %
% package by Sergio Callegari and 'draftcopy' by J\"{u}rgen Vollmer. The   %
% advantages of this package over 'draftwatermark' include: the user can   %
% specify his/her own draftmark and color, the draftmark position and      %
% orientation, the page (all pages, odd pages, even pages, a particular    %
% page number, and a range of pages) on which the draftmark should appear, %
% and all the options are passed directly to package instead of being      %
% defined by user-macros. There is also the provision to use the macro     %
% \draftmarksetup, which can be utilized to dynamically specify draftmark  %
% properties for each page or range of pages. With the 'xcolor' package    %
% (loaded by this package), all colors can be passed to this package. The  %
% code of this package is very much shorter than that of the 'draftcopy'   %
% package by Jurgen Vollmer (2002) because it capitalizes on dvi hooks     %
% from Heiko Oberdiek's 'atbegshi' package.                                %
%                                                                          %
% With the \includegraphics command, this package can be used to insert    %
% graphic watermarks.                                                      %
%                                                                          %
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions        %
% of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this          %
% license or any later version. The latest version of this license         %
% is in http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt and version 1.3 or later     %
% is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.       %
%                                                                          %
% Copyright (c) 2009 Ahmed Musa (a.musa@rocketmail.com).                   %
%                                                                          %
\catcode064=11% @
\catcode123=01% {
\catcode125=02% }
\catcode035=06% #
\catcode064=11% @
\catcode123=01% {
\catcode125=02% }
\dmark@ensurecode{010}{12}% ^^J
\dmark@ensurecode{033}{12}% !
\dmark@ensurecode{039}{12}% '
\dmark@ensurecode{040}{12}% (
\dmark@ensurecode{041}{12}% )
\dmark@ensurecode{042}{12}% *
\dmark@ensurecode{044}{12}% ,
\dmark@ensurecode{045}{12}% -
\dmark@ensurecode{046}{12}% .
\dmark@ensurecode{047}{12}% /
\dmark@ensurecode{058}{12}% :
\dmark@ensurecode{060}{12}% <
\dmark@ensurecode{061}{12}% =
\dmark@ensurecode{062}{12}% >
\dmark@ensurecode{094}{07}% ^ (superscript)
\dmark@ensurecode{096}{12}% `
\dmark@ensurecode{254}{12}% ^^fe
\dmark@ensurecode{255}{12}% ^^ff
\dmark@ensurecode{126}{13}% ~ (active)
\def\readRCS$#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 ${%
  Puts user-specified watermarks on select document pages (\fileauthor)}
$Id: draftmark.sty,v 1.2 2009/10/07 09:00:00 Ahmed Musa Exp $
    \expandafter\dmark@err{Blank argument for number}}{}
  \ifundef{#1}{\new\count#1\relax #1=\numexpr#2\relax}{#1=\numexpr#2\relax}
  \expandafter\dmark@err{Blank argument for dimension}}{}
  \ifundef{#1}{\new\dimen#1\relax #1=\dimexpr#2\relax}{#1=\dimexpr#2\relax}
\DeclareOptionX*{\dmark@warn{Unknown option '\CurrentOption' ignored}}
  \dmark@info{Option 'final': no draftmark printed}
        \OR \(\c@page>\dmark@pagestart\AND\c@page<\dmark@pageend\)}{%
  \dmark@info{Option 'draft': draftmark printed}
    \dmark@warn{Draftmark printed on page 1 only:\MessageBreak
      No page option ('allpages', 'firstpage',\MessageBreak
      'oddpages', 'evenpages', 'page=value'\MessageBreak
      or 'pages=x-x') has been passed to package}
