
                          FIRST INSTRUCTIONS 
                          Distribution 2006
                     (this file October 5, 2006) 

                    Uwe Lueck, dir. Christian Tapp


CONTENTs of the present file: 

  Purpose -- recent (future) changes -- RIGHTS -- installing `ednotes' 
  -- learning about `ednotes' -- standalone packages -- contact us -- 
  newsletter -- glossary 

PURPOSE of the macros: 

  Here are macros for typesetting CRITICAL EDITIONS with LaTeX. 
  Packages `lineno' by Stephan I. B"ottcher, `manyfoot' by Alexander 
  I. Rozhenko, and `longtable' by David Carlisle are enhanced and 
  combined. -- For a few first informations, you may have a look at 


  If you have used `ednotes' earlier than September 2004, we urge you 
  to read the `CHANGES' file in the `ednotes' directory, especially 
  concerning the changes of September/October 2004. `ednotes', 
  `lineno', and `manyfoot' have been changed at one time and interact 
  differently than before. Some files have been removed, and former 
  extension packages are now automatically loaded on `ednotes' package 
  options. -- Other changes have happened more recently, most notably 
  in `manyfoot' and `nccfoots'. In general, you should find a LaTeX 
  warning on screen or in your job.log like 

    You have requested ... version ... of ... 
    but only version ... is available
  telling what other packages need to be updated. 
  `CHANGING.txt' deals with the possibility that you haven't got the 
  most recent version of `ednotes' and friends. 


  For COPYRIGHTs as well as conditions of use (NO WARRANTY), 
  MODIFYING, and (RE)DISTRIBUTION, please see inside the files 
  mentioned in the present `README' file, as well as 
  `README-lineno.txt' and `README-ncctools.txt'. Usually, the LaTeX 
  Project Public License applies, a recent version of which can be 
  found on 

  Any REDISTRIBUTION of `ednotes.sty' must contain the file `README'. 
  If you DISTRIBUTE `manyfoot.sty' and `nccfoots.sty', they must be 
  accompanied by `manyfoot.dtx', `nccfoots.dtx', and 

INSTALLATION of `ednotes': 

  For enabling yourself to make use of all the options that 
  `ednotes' provides, download 




  (e.g., cf. `CTAN' in the glossary). Note that clicking on 
  "entire directory" suffices. 

  You then have to make the .sty files listed above "visible" 
  (see the glossary below) to (La)TeX when it runs your job. 

  (You may find out through reading documentations that it partially 
  depends on your intentions which .sty files actually must be there. 
  E.g., `ednotes.sty' works already when it is accompanied by 
  `lineno.sty', `manyfoot.sty', and `nccfoots.sty'.) 

USAGE of `ednotes': 

  We recommend not to load (by \usepackage) .sty files other than 
  `ednotes.sty' (except for "standalone uses" as explained below). 
  They are handled through `ednotes' package options as explained 
  in the documentation. 

  Sorry, the "user guide" and documentation for `ednotes' is, at 
  present, scattered over the listed .sty files and over the listed 
  CTAN folders. Here is just a guide through files and folders to 
  increase your knowledge step by step: 

    0. Oh, recently some of these explanations have been collected 
       in ednotes.pdf -- .txt input with .pdf output. 

    1. An overview of `ednotes' has appeared in TUGboat vol. 24. 
       no. 2; the above `ednotes' directory of CTAN contains an 
       updated .pdf version `ednotugb.pdf' of it. It demonstrates 
       through some examples what output certain commands produce. 
       It also compares `ednotes' with two other (La)TeX packages 
       for critical edition typesetting. 

    2. Next (or even first) we recommend reading the explanations at 
       the beginning of `ednotes.sty'. 

    3. You may find references to .sty files from the `ednotes' and 
       the `lineno' folder for reading about additional details of 

    4. `lineno.sty' provides commands and options that are very useful 
       to know for creating critical editions by `ednotes'. You can 
       read about these commands and options in `lineno.sty'. 
       Moreover, the explanations from `lineno.sty' can be printed 
       through `lineno.tex' or `lineno.pdf' obtainable from the above 
       `ednotes' directory. You find there as well an attempt at a 
       user's guide for `lineno' -- `ulineno.tex' and `ulineno.pdf'. 
       The latter is not quite up to date, but it may be helpful 
       though. -- When you use `ednotes', don't believe what the 
       `lineno' documentation tells about, e.g., 

       (such statements address usage of `lineno' without `ednotes'). 
       Many package options of `ednotes.sty' are just passed to 
       `lineno.sty', so the `lineno' documentation is `ednotes' 
       documentation in this respect. 

    5. `manyfoot' is another essential module for making `ednotes' 
       work, though you may hardly need to know about it, `ednotes' 
       is a kind of user interface for `manyfoot'. However, you may 
       inform yourself about offers of `manyfoot' for certain fine 
       points of critical edition typesetting through `manyfoot.dtx' 
       or `manyfoot.pdf' -- which you find in 

       (e.g., cf. `CTAN' in the glossary). There are `nccfoots.dtx' 
       and `nccfoots.pdf' as well. Indeed you may find functions of 
       `manyfoot' useful just for your commentary passages. 

    6. `perpage.sty' is mentioned here mainly to allow use of 
       `manyfoot's `perpage' option. It contains brief explanations. 

    7. `longtable', of course, is explained in `longtable.dtx' and 
       various guides for LaTeX. 

    8. We have prepared something for listing line numbers for index 
       terms. We don't take the time to integrate it here -- please 
       contact us (see below) if you are interested. 

Standalone files:

  Some of the listed .sty files which are our work may be useful 
  without using `ednotes': 

    1. Whenever you use `manyfoot', you can load `mfparptc.sty' after 
       `manyfoot.sty' just to modify the behaviour of `manyfoot' in 
       the way that is explained in `mfparptc.sty'. 

       Moreover, there is a file `mfparxsp.sty', made for the 
       possibility that some `manyfoot' user has used an earlier 
       version of `mfparxsp.sty' which has become obsolete. 

    2. For extending lineno.sty by packages from here, see 


       (e.g., cf. `CTAN' in the glossary). 
    3. `ltabptch.sty', a patch for `longtable', can be used whenever 
       `longtable' is used. 

    4. An additional file `lblchng1.sty' deals with page break 
       oscillations, by code as well as by explanations and 
       discussion. It can be used entirely independently from 
       any of the packages mentioned before. 

Contact us: 

   We would be happy about your suggestions and (in a way) about your 
   bug reports. Since documentation is so poor at present, please feel 
   free to ask us for help if needed. Please contact us via 

   E.g., you may ask us to take your e-mail address into a mailing 
   list for reporting `ednotes' changes.

Lucky typesetting! 



* `CTAN' 
    abbreviates `Comprehensive TeX Archive Network', cf., e.g., 
    and read about "mirrors" there. You will understand that you 
    may replace `www.ctan.org/tex-archive' by `www.dante.de/CTAN' 
    (e.g.) in the above-mentioned URL. (But dante doesn't offer 
    the "entire directory" function.)

* visible to (La)TeX 
    -- see the file `visible.txt' in the above `ednotes' directory. 

[END of READMORE.txt]_________________________________________________