%% Macro package `ednmath0.sty' for LaTeX2e, %% copyright (C) 2004 Uwe L\"uck, %% http://www.contact-ednotes.sty.de.vu %% --author-maintained; %% math support for `lineno.sty' and `ednotes.sty'. %% \def\fileversion{v0.2b} \def\filedate{2005/01/10} %% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the %% terms of the LaTeX Project Public License distributed from %% CTAN archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either %% version 1.3a of the License, or any later version. %% The latest version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% There is NO WARRANTY. %% This code is very EXPERIMENTAL! %% %% Please report bugs, problems, and suggestions via %% %% http://www.contact-ednotes.sty@web.de % %% * MAIN FEATURE * % % lineno.sty's \linelabel and ednotes.sty's commands are enabled % to work in math mode if it's "entered in outer mode" % (including `displaymath' and `equation' environments). % (lineno.sty is the package by Stephan Boettcher.) % They will even work in tabular environments that are adjusted % to notes by package `edtable.sty'. % % CAVEATS: % -- Does not work yet in environments like LaTeX's % `eqnarray'. (This could probably repaired along the lines % of Edtable.sty--we're short of time and will try later.) % -- Useful error messages when (i) math mode is entered from % inner mode or when (ii) a math display gets not line number % are missing at present. % %% * USAGE: * % % * Most simple: * % --If you are working with ednotes and want to use its % commands in math mode, load ednotes.sty--version 0.8 % onwards--with its package option `mathnotes'. % --If you don't work with ednotes, only with lineno, you % get the main feature of making \linelabel work in math mode % by loading lineno.sty--version 4.1 onwards--with its % package option `mathrefs'. % % * Switch off and on: * % To reduce danger resulting from missing error messages % ("caveat" above), you may switch these new math facilities % off by \NoNotesToMath where you don't expect to need them. % You may switch them on again by \NotesToMath where you want % to use them, being aware of the danger. Both commands work % locally, so you can replace one of them by enclosing it in % a group. E.g., even, after \NoNotesToMath you can use an % environment as follows: % \begin{NotesToMath} % <text> % \end{NotesToMath} % (I am not quite sure that this is useful.) % % * Customize ellipsis: * % ednotes' \lemmaellipsis is changed to expand to % \mathlemmaellipsis when entering math, and this is preset % to be LaTeX's \mathellipsis. (This is three dots as % \mathinner.) You can change this by redefining % \mathlemmaellipsis, e.g.: % \renewcommand{\mathlemmaellipsis}{\cdots} % If you need \cdots as the ellipsis at a single place only, % you may, of course, use the `<...>' option of \<, e.g.: % $ x = \Anote{a\<<\cdots>bcd\>e}{Indeed?} - y $ % % * Customize note mode: * % For variant readings, you may want that the note is % usually set in math mode--so you may want that you % needn't type the dollar signs in the note text. % Note that you can do this by customizing \notefmt, % and you can do this by customizing \Anotefmt (e.g.) % to have this feature for \Anote only. % \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{ednmath0}[\filedate\space\fileversion\space math support for lineno/ednotes (ul)] % %% User commands: \def\NotesToMath{\let\@LN@mathhook\@LN@labelinmath \@bsphack \@esphack % For \begin{NotesToMath} } \def\NoNotesToMath{\@bsphack \def\@LN@mathhook{\@parmoderr\@gobble}% \@esphack } \def\endNotesToMath{\@bsphack\@Esphack} \let\endNoNotesToMath\endNotesToMath % %% Core code for lineno.sty: \@ifundefined{@LN@postlabel}{% \PackageError{ednmath0}{% Bad lineno.sty version% }{% lineno.sty from 2004/08/16 or later must be loaded earlier.% }% }{% \def\@LN@labelinmath#1{% \ifmmode \@LN@postlabel{#1}% \else \@parmoderr \fi } } % %% Core code for ednotes.sty: \@ifundefined{@EN@note}{% % v0.01 sent a warning in this case. Considered superfluous now. }{% \def\@EN@themathlemmatag{% \ifmmode \toks@\expandafter{\@EN@lemmatag}% \edef\@EN@lemmatag{% $% \def\noexpand\lemmaellipsis{% \noexpand\mathlemmaellipsis}% \the\toks@ $% }% % \expandafter \def \expandafter \@EN@lemmatag % \expandafter {\expandafter $\expandafter % \def \expandafter \lemmaellipsis \expandafter {% % \expandafter \mathlemmaellipsis \expandafter }% % \@EN@lemmatag $}% \fi } % To be sure, \lemmaellipsis doesn't need to be changed when % ednotes `\<...\>' feature is not used. Though I prefer to % use one hook only in ednotes for both situations, with and % without `\<...\>'. % % The final \unskip in ednotes' \@EN@lemmatag would undo a final % \quad. That's OK: outside math the same happens. % In v0.01, \NoNotesToMath undid ednotes changes for math mode. % However, re-appearence of \linelabel error messages suffices. % % Now add lemma switch to the left of \[No]NotesToMath: \toks@\expandafter{\NotesToMath} \edef\NotesToMath{% \let \noexpand\@EN@mathlemmatag \noexpand\@EN@themathlemmatag \the\toks@ } % \typeout{\string\NotesToMath: \meaning\NotesToMath} \toks@\expandafter{\NoNotesToMath} \edef\NoNotesToMath{% \let \noexpand\@EN@mathlemmatag \relax \the\toks@ } % \typeout{\string\NoNotesToMath: \meaning\NoNotesToMath} } % We need no extra device for a choice for users whether the *note* % should be set in math mode or in horizontal mode by default % (which might depend on the kind ["layer"] of notes). % This can be done already by customization of ednotes' \notefmt. % However, we might change ednotes' default \notefmt to default % \renewcommand*{\notefmt}[1]{$#1$} % \let\mathlemmaellipsis\mathellipsis %% TODO: Since when has LaTeX provided \mathellipsis? %% -> \Needs... % % Default: \NotesToMath % \endinput %% TODO: Without \linenumberdisplaymath, in displaymath, %% an error should be shown. Use, e.g., that in a displaymath %% \ifinner is false. %% TODO: E.g., by changing \everymath, perhaps can be warned %% that the math group is in a box already, so the vertical %% items will get lost. %% TODO: Adjust `eqnarray' (in Edtable?) as well. %% VERSION HISTORY: v0.01 2004/08/16 First version, sent to Christian. v0.02 2004/08/16 Considerably simplified for ednotes. 2004/08/19 Added ellipsis stuff, documentation, and instructions. Uncapitalized package names. Added \end[No]NotesToMath. 2004/08/20 Added \@bsphack and \@esphack; corrected ednotes extension (too much deleted, completely wrong), introducing \@EN@themathlemmatag. v0.02b .../08/31 Rearranged preamble concerning maintenance. v0.1 2004/09/20 Removed mentions of `linenox0.sty'. v0.2 2004/10/07 Removed another mention of `linenox0.sty'; Instructions: `lineno' or `ednotes.sty' option. v0.2a 2004/11/07 LPPL v1.3a. v0.2b 2005/01/10 Contact via http.