
A package to customize the three basic lists (enumerate,
itemize and description) by means of a set of parameters,
and to clone them to define new "logical" lists.
It provides most of the flexibility you may want to
design your own lists:
- fancy labels and fancy refs,
- leftmargin, labelsep and labelwidth automatically set,
- changes applied globally or only in one of the three
  types or even in a single list (including topsep) by
  means of a sort of "inheritance",
- several description styles (which fix some bad
  spacing, too),
- starting value and counter resuming,
- trivlists properly formatted,
- control on page breaking

Recent changes
2.1 fixes a bug in resume* -- now it ignores the start key given
in the previous list, since we want to continue it, not to restart

2.2 fixes a bug in some description styles, which didn't empty the
box containing the labels.

Javier Bezos                    | http://www.tex-tipografia.com