hepunits --- a set of useful units for use in high energy physics
by Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org>

hepunits is a LaTeX package built on the SIunits package which 
adds a collection of useful HEP units to the existing SIunits set.
These include the energy units \MeV, \GeV, \TeV and the derived 
momentum and mass units \MeVoverc, \MeVovercsq and so on.

Additionally, some units are added for pure convenience. The 
contents of the package with the exception of the energy units 
mentioned above are subject to deprecation and addition, so please
provide feedback on which HEP units you'd like added to the 

This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. 
See http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/licenses.lppl.html
for the details of that license.

Author: Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org>