The metalogo package Andrew Gilbert Moschou Friday, 4 September 2009 version 0.11 This work is released under the LPPL v1.3c or later. The metalogo package exposes the spacing parameters for the various TeX logos to the end user. It is intended to help XeLaTeX users, who use various typefaces, to easily optimise the logos for each typeface. Still, the package remains useful if any typeface is used, not necessarily loaded through \XeTeX. Usage \usepackage{metalogo} Commands \setlogokern{<string>}{<dimen>} <string>: Te, eX, La, aT, Xe, eT, eL, X2 <dimen>: a legitimate TeX dimension or default \setlogodrop[<string>]{<dimen>} <string>: XeTeX (default), TeX, Xe <dimen>: A legitimate TeX dimension or default \setlateXa{<arg>} <arg>: The definition that typesets the raised 'a' of 'LaTeX' or default \setLaTeXee{<arg>} <arg>: The definition that typesets the lowered 'ε' of 'LaTeX2ε' or default \seteverylogo{<toks>} <toks>: A list of tokens inserted before every logo command. Also clears any previously set list. \everylogo{<toks>} <toks>: A list of tokens to be appended to the list that of tokens that is inserted before every logo command.