===================== The movie15 Package ===================== Author: Alexander Grahn Description: This package provides an interface to embed movies, sounds and 3D objects into PDF documents for use with LaTeX as well as pdfLaTeX. It follows the PDF-1.5 and PDF-1.6 specifications for embedding multimedia content. The specification allows media file data to be completely incorporated into the PDF output, thus producing self-contained PDF documents. A number of file formats is supported. For a (possibly incomplete) list see the table at the end of this file or refer to the PDF specification: PDF Reference, fifth edition: Adobe Portable Document Format version 1.6, Implementation note 144, Appendix H.3, available somewhere on Adobe's web site (http://www.adobe.com). Note, this file only gives a summary of usage and available command options. Please refer to the documentation `movie15.pdf' in the `doc/' directory for details and examples. Keywords: embed, movie, LaTeX, pdfLaTeX, PDF, 3D, JavaScript, include, sound, video, multimedia, animation Usage: \usepackage[<package options>]{movie15} Package option `3D' enables the 3D feature from the PDF-1.6 specification. With option `draft' media files are not included. Instead, the file name is printed in a box of size <width>x(<height>+<depth>). `final' does the opposite, overriding a global draft option specified in the \documentclass command. \includemovie[<options>]{<width>}{<height>}{<media file>} <width> and <height> in TeX dimensions, may be left empty, see option `text' <media file> file name of the media clip \movieref[<options>]{<label spec>}{<text>} makes <text> a hyperlink to the embedded media file which has been labelled with <label spec> using the `label' option of the inclusion command. Provides a means to control the playback state and properties of the referenced media. In 3D context, it can be used to define an additional view of the object, to access a particular view from the list of predefined views by index or to run a JavaScript. Moreover, links can be created for calculating 3D camera settings. In addition to `play' (default), `stop', `resume', `pause', `close', `3Dviewindex', `3Dcalculate' and `3Dgetview' it accepts `controls', `repeat', `palindrome', `startat', `endat', `mouse', `rate', `volume', `default', `3Dcoo', '3Droll', `3Dc2c', `3Droo', `3Dcaa' and `3Djscript' from the subsequent list of command options. Options: attach[=false] By default, the embedded data stream is re-used as embedded file attachment, giving the user the opportunity to extract the media file and to save it to disk for later playback with an external player. Re-use as file attachment can be suppressed with `attach=false'. autoclose Close the media player when the page is closed. Use of this option may be necessary for streamed media, such as Real Video. autopause Pause playback when page is closed. autoplay Start playback when page is opened. Useful for side by side movies to be played back simultaneously. autostop Stops playing but keeps the media loaded when the page is closed. The media is rewound to its beginning or its `startat' position. This option is set by default if neither of the options `autopause', `autoclose' or `continue' is set. autoresume Resume previously paused playback when page is opened. continue Continue playback in background on premature page change. controls[=true|false] Display player specific controls. depth=<depth> Specifies how far the media display area should extend below the reference line of the running text. Any valid TeX dimension will be accepted. draft Locally switches to draft mode. externalviewer Opens and plays the media in an external application. final Locally disables draft mode. inline[=false] Movie file data are embedded into the PDF output by default. Embedding can be suppressed using `inline=false'. label=<label spec> The media is labelled with <label spec> such that it can be referenced by the `\movieref' command somewhere else in the document. mimetype=<mimetype> Mime type of media. Must be specified if <media file> has a non-standard file name extension from which the mimetype cannot be guessed. See table `Known file name extensions' below. mouse[=true|false] Enable mouse interaction: Clicking onto the media (giving it the focus) pauses the playback while clicking outside resumes it. In 3D context this option is set to `true' by default, but may be set to `false' in order to make the 3D annotation non-interactive. palindrome[=true|false] Play media forward and backward. playerid=<playerid> Forces a particular media player plug-in to be used instead of the default one. Currently, the following values are recognised: AAPL_QuickTime, MACR_FlashPlayer, RNWK_RealPlayer, MSFT_WindowsMediaPlayer, ADBE_MCI (Adobe builtin player). poster The first frame of the movie or the frame at the beginning of the movie section specified by the `startat' and `endat' options is shown. poster=<image> Insert still image from file to be shown when media is not activated. The file type depends on the output driver: PS or EPS when using latex together with dvips; PDF, PNG or JPEG when using pdflatex. Deprecated. Use option `text' instead. See option `text' for a possibility to scale the media display area according to the poster image dimensions. rate=<rate> Playback rate (multiple of original speed). repeat[=<repeats>] Number of repeats. Without argument -> repeat forever. startat=<offset> Start/stop playback at the specified offsets endat=<offset> (time, frame, named marker). <offset> syntax: time:<seconds> frame:<frame number> marker:<quoted string> {marker:<quoted string>, time:<seconds>} {marker:<quoted string>, frame:<frame number>} text=<text> <text> is typeset onto the media display area. <text> is centred horizontally and vertically. If either or both of the <width> and <height> arguments are left empty, any unspecified dimension of the media clip is scaled to fit the corresponding dimension, i. e. width or height, of <text>. Likewise, the depth of the media display is adjusted to the depth of <text> if the `depth' option has not been given. This option can be used to scale the media display area to the natural or scaled dimensions of the poster image, e. g.: \includemovie[text={\includegraphics[scale=2]{ path/to/poster}}]{}{}{path/to/movie} textoverposter[=false] Set this option to `false' if you wish <text> to be obscured by the external poster image (if specified). Deprecated. url Treat <media file> as URL. Sets option `inline' to false automatically. volume=<volume> Percentage of original volume. 3Daac=<angle> This option sets the aperture angle of the camera, measured in degrees. Fixed point real numbers between 0 and 180 are admissible. A sensible value of 30 is pre-set by default. Larger values can be used to achieve wide-angle or fish-eye effects. 3Dc2c=<x> <y> <z> Direction vector C2C of arbitrary length, originating in the centre of orbit and pointing to the virtual camera; cf. option `3Dcoo' for the number format of <x> <y> <z>. 3Dcoo=<x> <y> <z> Positional vector COO of the centre of orbit. Only fixed point numbers in the range from -999999999999999999.999999999999999999 to +999999999999999999.999999999999999999 are allowed. 3Droll=<roll> Prescribes an initial camera roll around the optical axis (in clockwise direction, if <roll> is greater than zero); measured in degrees. 3Droo=<r> Radius of orbit ROO of the virtual camera; cf. option `3Dcoo' for the number format. 3Dviews=<views file> Further named, predefined views can be set in an auxiliary file specified by the 3Dviews option. The file <views file> contains lines which obey the syntax: [<name>]{<coo_x> <coo_y> <coo_z>}{<c2c_x> <c2c_y> <c2c_z>}{<roo>}{<roll>}{<aac>} The <name> entry is optional. For <coo_x>, <coo_y>, <coo_z>, <c2c_x>, <c2c_y>, <c2c_z>, <roo> and <aac> the same rules as for the corresponding options `3Dcoo', `3Dc2c', `3Droo' and `3Daac' apply. 3Dbg=<r> <g> <b> This option sets the background colour of the canvas. Only fixed point real numbers in the range from 0 to 1 are allowed for the colour components. 3Dlights=<lighting scheme> Sets the default lighting scheme. Possible values are: `None', `White', `Day', `Night', `Hard', `Primary', `Blue', `Red', `Cube', `CAD', `HeadLamp'. 3Drender=<render mode> Sets the default render mode. Possible values are: `Solid', `SolidWireframe', `Transparent', `TransparentWireframe', `BoundingBox', `TransparentBoundingBox', `TransparentBoundingBoxOutline', `Wireframe', `ShadedWireframe', `HiddenWireframe', `Vertices', `ShadedVertices', `Illustration', `SolidOutline', `ShadedIllustration'. 3Djscript=<JavaScript file> Things like animation, lighting, background colour etc. may also be script driven. Option `3Djscript' associates a <JavaScript file> with the 3D object. The script will be executed upon activation of the object. 3Dresource=<resource file 1>[, 3Dresource=<resource file 2> [, ...]] Embeds additional 3D or rasterized image files for use as resources in the 3D annotation. Possible file types are U3D, Postscript (LaTeX + dvips) and PDF/JPEG/PNG (pdfLaTeX). Embedded resources must be loaded by the JavaScript method Resource("pdf://<resource path>") where <resource path> stands for the path to the resource file as specified by the `3Dresource' option. Additional options for use with `\movieref': play (Default) Immediately restarts playback. If new playback settings have been specified through the options given above, they override the original settings being in effect during media inclusion. stop Stops and rewinds the media to its beginning or to the `startat' position. resume Resumes paused media. In fact, this option makes the hyperlink a toggle switch: repeated clicking switches between paused and resumed state. pause Has the same effect as option `resume'. Added for completeness only. close Immediately closes the media player. default Play the media at the original settings which were in effect during media inclusion. 3Dviewindex=<index> Opens the first `F', last `L', next `N' or previous `P' view from the list of additional views, or the one indexed by an integer. `D' gives access to the default view. 3Dcalculate[=<aac angle>] Creates a link for calculating `3Droo' and `3Dcoo' settings of the virtual camera. The default aperture angle of 30 degrees is used for the calculation unless an optional <aac angle> has been provided. 3Dgetview Camera settings corresponding to the current view in the Reader are printed to a dialogue box. The output is readily formatted to be inserted into a file of predefined views, see option `3Dviews'. Known file name extensions: Extension MIME type Description ============================================================================= aif, aifc, aiff audio/aiff Audio Interchange File Format au, snd audio/basic NeXT/Sun Audio Format avi video/avi AVI (Audio/Video Inter- leaved) gif image/gif (animated) GIF mid, rmi audio/midi MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) mov, qt video/quicktime Apple QuickTime mp3, m3u audio/x-mp3 MPEG Audio Layer-3 mp4 video/mp4 MPEG-4 Video/Audio mpeg, mpg video/mpeg MPEG-1 & 2 Video ra audio/vnd.rn-realaudio Real Audio rm, rv application/vnd.rn-realmedia Real Media (video & sound) smil application/smil Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language swf application/x-shockwave-flash (Adobe?) Macromedia Flash u3d model/u3d Universal 3D File Format wav audio/wav MS Audio Format wma audio/x-ms-wma Windows Media Audio Format wmv video/x-ms-wmv Windows Media Video Format Requirements: package `fp', if option `3D' is selected pdfTeX, version >= 1.20 needed for PDF output Adobe Reader, version >=6 for playing movies/sound, Adobe Reader, version >=7 for 3D objects Embedded media file data can also be extracted and saved to disk from within Readers which support file attachments. This makes PDF documents a little more portable to Readers which do not ship with a multimedia plugin. Installation: Put the file movie15.sty to a place where TeX can find it. License: This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. See http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/licenses.lppl.html for the details of that license.