ntheorem. dtx includes the style-file, a standard configuration,
and the documentation. Additional information is available
(including a test-file).

We recommend placing the unpacked files  (+this message) in an extra directory
 macros/latex/contrib/supported/ntheorem/ .

With this, newthm.sty (macros/latex/contrib/other/newthm/) becomes obsolete.

Wolfgang May & Andreas Schlechte



ntheorem.sty for LaTeX

by Wolfgang May and Andreas Schlechte

ntheorem.sty is a package for handling theorem-like environments.
Aditionally to several features for defining the layout of theorem-like
environments which can be regarded to be standard requirements for a
theorem-package, it provides solutions for two related problems:
placement of endmarks and generation of lists of theorem-like
environments. In contrast to former approaches, it solves the problem
of setting endmarks of theorem-like environments (theorems, definitions,
examples, and proofs) automatically at the right positions, even if the
environment ends with a displaymath or (even nested) list environments;
it also copes with the amsmath package. This is done in the same manner
as the handling of labels by using the .aux file. It also introduces the
generation of lists of theorem-like environments in the same manner as
After running LaTeX several times (depending on the complexity of
references, in general, three runs are sufficient), the endmarks are set
correctly, and theoremlists are generated. Since ntheorem.sty uses the
standard LaTeX \newtheorem command, existing documents can be switched to
ntheorem.sty without having to change the .tex file. Also, it is
compatible with LaTeX files using theorem.sty written by Frank Mittelbach.


 * General Layout of Theorems:
   different predefined theoremstyles, according to theorem.sty,
   defining own theoremstyles by \newtheoremstyle,
 * Placement of End Marks:
   automatically setting end marks for theorem-like environments
   in text, math environments, lists etc.,
 * Generation of Theorem Lists:
   Generation of list-of-theorem similar to list-of-figures
   different predefined liststyles, according to theorem.sty,
   defining own liststyles by \newliststyle.

Wolfgang May             E-mail: may@informatik.uni-freiburg.de
Universitaet Freiburg    http://www.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/~may/
Institut fuer Informatik D-79110 Freiburg / Germany
Graduiertenkolleg Menschliche und Maschinelle Intelligenz
der Universitaet Freiburg