___________________ The PRACJOURN class This class file is used for typesetting articles in the PracTeX Journal (<http://tug.org/pracjourn>). It is based on the article class with modifications to allow for more flexible front-matter and revision control, among other small changes. It uses Palatino (12/15.5 pt) for the main text font, and Latin Modern Sans and Typewriter for the companion fonts. It is not essential to have the Latin Modern fonts installed, since the class file will fall back to the older Computer Modern-based versions if necessary. _____ USAGE No class options are necessary. \title, \author, and \abstract metadata is required. Please see pracjourn.pdf for the full documentation. \documentclass{pracjourn} \title{...} \author{...} \abstract{...} \begin{document} \maketitle ... \end{document} _______ LICENCE This class is distributed under the GNU General Public License. Please see the documented source file pracjourn.dtx for further information. Will Robertson Art Ogawa Karl Berry Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007 TeX Users Group