
\newif\ifTSD@setpdimens \TSD@setpdimensfalse

      \immediate\write\sixt@@n{#1: \strip@pt\dimen@ mm}%


   %    The total width of the part of the page on which text should be 
   %    allowed to appear is the width of 94 characters in the current 
   %    \MacroFont. (20 in the margin, 72 in the main text (whose width 
   %    is \textwidth), and 2 separating them.)
         % If the \textwidth is negative at this point, the negation of 
         % that value is used, to allow for further configuration.
         % \marginparsep is left unchanged.
            % 10pt, computed using cmtt9 at 9pt
            \setlength\marginparsep{9.4499pt} % 2*4.72495pt
            % 11pt, computed using cmtt10 at 10pt
            \setlength\marginparsep{10.4999pt} % 2*5.24995pt
            % 12pt, computed using cmtt10 at 10.95pt
            \setlength\marginparsep{11.49738pt} % 2*5.74869pt
            % Assume \@ptsize is the main font size, but compute the width 
            % as if \MacroFont includes a \small setting which reduces the 
            % size of everything by "\magstep-0.5" (that is, by a factor 
            % 1.2^{-0.5}, and assume the metrics of the font coincide with 
            % those of cmtt8.
      \ifdim 3truecm>\paperwidth
         \PackageError{twosidedoc}{Your \protect\paperwidth\space is %
            ridiculously small}\@ehd
         \advance\dimen@ \marginparsep
         \ifdim \dimen@<\paperwidth \else
            \PackageError{twosidedoc}{You have an infinite loop ahead}%
               {You really should type X to quit now.}
         \advance\dimen@ -\marginparsep
         \advance\dimen@ -1.27778\textwidth
      \ifdim 2truecm<\dimen@ \else
         % This gets dangerously close to the physical margins. Shrink 
         % the \textwidth by 5%.
            The width of the text has been shrunk\MessageBreak
            to \strip@pt\dimen@ii\@percentchar\space of its original %
            This is approximately \strip@pt\dimen@\space characters.%
      % Now at last \textwidth is established. The other values follow easily.
      % Margins are calculated as follows: 1 cm is reserved at each side 
      % and what remains is split 1:2 between inner and outer margin.
      \advance\dimen@ -\textwidth
      \advance\dimen@ -\marginparsep
      \advance\dimen@ -\marginparwidth
      \advance\dimen@ -2truecm
      \divide\dimen@ \thr@@
      \advance\oddsidemargin 1truecm
      \advance\oddsidemargin -1truein
      \advance\evensidemargin \marginparsep
      \advance\evensidemargin \marginparwidth
      \advance\evensidemargin 1truecm
      \advance\evensidemargin -1truein
      % Otherwise only the margins are changed.
      \advance\oddsidemargin -\textwidth
      \advance\oddsidemargin -2truein
      \advance\oddsidemargin -\evensidemargin
      \advance\marginparsep 5\p@
      \advance\dimen@ 1truein
      \advance\dimen@ -1truecm
      \advance\dimen@ -\marginparsep
   \advance\marginparsep 5\p@
   \advance\dimen@ 1truein
   \advance\dimen@ -1truecm
   \advance\dimen@ -\marginparsep


% Modifications of macro etc.
  % \macro@cnt keeps track of how many macro names have been printed.
  % \macro@line@cnt keeps track of how many lines it has taken.
  % The last stored value of \prevgraf.
  % Should macro/environment name be formatted for printing in the
  % right margin? (false = for left margin).
   \expandafter\TSD@print@name \expandafter{\string#1}%
   \expandafter\TSD@print@name \expandafter{\expandafter\strut

   \raise 1ex\hbox{%
      \lower 1ex\vtop{%
         \everypar={}% Very important!!!!
% #1 is the macro/enviroment; it has already been \string:ed.
   \leftskip=\z@\@plus 1fill\relax
   \parfillskip=\z@\@plus 1fil\relax
   \hskip\z@\@plus 1fill\relax
   \parfillskip=\z@\@plus 1fil\relax



         \TSD@rightmargin@true \TSD@rightmargin@false
         \advance\dimen@ \macro@cnt\jot
         \vtop to\z@{\noexpand\null
   \advance\macro@cnt \@ne
   \advance\macro@line@cnt \TSD@prevgraf\relax

% The \noindent:s are necessary, since \marginpar forms a \vtop, not an 
% \hbox. This is important if \PrintDescribeMacro/Env starts with \raise.

