
This package enables the use of small capitals in different font
shapes, e.g., slanted or bold slanted for all fonts that provide
appropriate font shapes.
The only prerequisite is that the corresponding |fd| file has to
define the font shapes |scsl| resp.\ |scit| for slanted resp.\
italic small capitals.

Copyright 2003 Harald Harders

This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either
version 1 of the License, or any later version.


automatic: - run make
	   - run make install
           - run make
           - copy slantsc.sty to a place where LaTeX can find it
           - run texhash or the corresponding command of your distribution

by hand: - execute latex on slantsc.ins
         - execute latex on slantsc.dtx (2x)
         - copy slantsc.sty to a place LaTeX can find it
         - run texhash or the corresponding command of your distribution

Change log:
- 2.00  2003/09/17  The booleans caused problems when using \fontshape
                    explicitely, which, for instance, is performed by
                    \normalfont. Thus, the new version does not use them
                    at all and now works with \fontshape.
- 1.00  2003/09/10  Entirely new package

Harald Harders