@(#)$Id: README,v 1.1 2007/02/04 04:29:10 rathc Exp $ - - - - - - - - - R E L E A S E N O T E S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LaTeX Songbook Style, Version 4.3, 2007/02/03 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Copyright (c) 1992--2007 Christopher Rath All rights reserved. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Christopher Rath <christopher@rath.ca> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Legal Stuff: This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by version 2.1 of the Free Software Foundation. This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, I'll be glad to provide one. Changes in Release 4.3: * found a problem with the optional parameter to the xlatn environment added in Release 4.2; that optional parameter has been removed * a new songTranslation environment added to provide the required capability for the Artist index option * added a new song to the sample songbook to act as a test case for translation Changes in Release 4.2: * added a new Artist index option * added a new optional parameter to the xlatn environment; in support of the new Artist index option chordbk, wordbk, overhead: These styles have been used to produce the songbooks for our church. We needed to produce books that our song-leaders could use, as well as books for use in the congregation; so, these styles were written. The `chordbk' option is used to print a songbook with words and chords, and it also supports a `compactsong' option which lays out the song in two columns per page instead of one (the `wordbk' and `overhead' options do not support compactsong mode at present). The `wordbk' option is used to print a words-only songbook. The `overhead' option is used to print overhead transparencies. They all use the same LaTeX input file. `Wordbk' and `overhead' modes simply ignore all of the chord information. songbook.dtx: This is both the formal documentation for the Songbook style as well as its source code. A .pdf file is provided, as well as the .tex file. sample-sb.tex: This is a sample songbook. This file is used to produce the sample???.dvi files included with this package. To regenerate the .dvi files, simply uncomment the appropriate \document line and re-LaTeX the file. Manifest: conditionals.sty Donald Arseneau's conditional tests. contrib/ Directory containing user contributed utilities. LesserGPL.txt Terms & conditions under which the style is distributed. mksbkdx A shell script to make the index by song key. mksbtdx A shell script to make the index by song title. relnotes.txt The songbook package release notes (this file). sample-sb.tex A sample songbook. sampleCBK.pdf Sample-sb.tex formatted using chordbk.sty. sampleKdx.pdf The sample key index run through LaTeX. sampleKdx.tex Key index for the sample songbook. sampleOH.pdf Sample-sb.tex formatted using overhead.sty. sampleTdx.pdf The sample title index run through LaTeX. sampleTdx.tex Title index for the sample songbook. sampleToc.pdf The sample TOC run through LaTeX. sampleToc.tex TOC for the sample songbook. sampleWBK.pdf Sample-sb.tex formatted using wordbk.sty. songbook.pdf The \Songbook's documentation. songbook.ist The songbook package makeindex .ist file. songbook.dtx The base style file. songbook.ins Install script to create .sty from .dtx. Support: Please email me for help using the files. Please let me know about any bugs and problems. There is a SongBook Style home page. Its URL is: http://www.rath.ca/Misc/Songbook/ I will make bug fixes, other user's contributed macros and scripts, and the latest release of the software available on this web server. Christopher Rath christopher@rath.ca (613) 824-4584 1371 Major Rd. Ottawa, ON Canada K1E 1H3 Local Variables: mode: indented-text fill-column: 79 End: