yafoot (v1.0): The package for footnotes containing three style files;
    pfnote:	To enclose footnote numbers within a page
    fnopos:	To control vertical position of footnotes
    dblfnote:	To make footnotes double-columned

[How to "make"]

  % tex yafoot.ins	# you'll have pfnote.sty, fnpos.sty, dblfnote.sty 
			# and yafoot-man.tex
# to have user's manual  
  % latex yafoot-man
  % makeindex -s gind.ist -o yafoot-man.ind yafoot-man.idx
  % latex yafoot-man

# to have implementation document
  % latex yafoot.dtx
  % makeindex -s gind.ist -o yafoot.ind yafoot.idx
  % makeindex -s gglo.ist -o yafoot.gls yafoot.glo
  % latex yafoot.dtx


+ Loading "pfnote" will make footnote numbers enclosed within a page.

+ "fnpos" has commands \makeFNbottom and \makeFNmid to control the
  position of footnotes in a \raggedbottom page.  It also has commands 
  \makeFNbelow and \makeFNabove to determine the footnote position
  relative to bottom floats.

+ Loading "dblfnote" will make footnotes double-columned.  It also
  gives a few parameters and commands for fine tuning.


Hiroshi Nakashima <nakasima@tutics.tut.ac.jp>