% README for the itrans-* mapping files to be used with XeLaTeX. % Copyright (C) 2010, Abhinandan S.P. and Shrisha Rao % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. % %∞ The Current Maintainer of this work is Shrisha Rao. % % This work consists of the files itrans-dvn.map, itrans-dvn.tec, % itrans-kan.map, itrans-kan.tec, itrans-sankan.map, itrans-sankan.tec, % and README. The following files are mappings that can be used with XeLaTeX for codings done in the ITRANS format. In each instance, the *.map file is the actual (ASCII) mapping, while the *.tec file is the compiled version used by the software. itrans-dvn: This mapping should be used with codings done in ITRANS, where the output is desired in Devanagari script. The codings are typically, but not necessarily, of Sanskrit texts (they could also be, e.g., Hindi or Marathi). itrans-sankan: This mapping should be used with codings done in ITRANS of Sanskrit texts, where the output is desired in Kannada script. itrans-kan: This mapping should be used with codings done in ITRANS of Kannada texts, where the output is desired in Kannada script. Note that `e' and `o' get mapped to the long-vowels with itrans-sankan, but to the short vowels in itrans-kan (where `E' and `O' are needed for the long vowels). To use these mappings, insert one of the following sets of lines in your *.tex files after the \documentclass command and appropriate other includes and settings: \newcommand\abc{\catcode`\^=11 \catcode`\~=11 \fontspec[Script=Kannada,Mapping=itrans-sankan]{<fontname>}} \newcommand\abc{\catcode`\^=11 \catcode`\~=11 \fontspec[Script=Kannada,Mapping=itrans-kan]{<fontname>}} \newcommand\abc{\catcode`\^=11 \catcode`\~=11 \fontspec[Script=Devanagari,Mapping=itrans-dvn]{<fontname>}} Replace `abc' by the desired macro name, and <fontname> by the name of an appropriate Unicode font in that script. The following is a small example using the Kannada `Kedage' font. Save the following as a *.tex file; if your installation and settings (including fonts) are correct, it will compile and produce a proper PDF output. \documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{article} \usepackage{ifxetex} \RequireXeTeX \usepackage{xltxtra} \setlength{\parindent}{0mm} \newcommand\ked{\catcode`\^=11 \catcode`\~=11 \fontspec[Script=Kannada,Mapping=itrans-sankan]{Kedage}} \begin{document} {\ked OM || nArAyaNaM suraguruM jagadekanAthaM \\ bhaktapriyaM sakalalokanamaskR^itaM cha | \\ traiguNyavarjitamajaM vibhumAdyamIshaM \\ vande bhavaghnamamarAsurasiddhavandyam.h || } \end{document}