#!/bin/bash # Installation script for ShLaTeX # Warning : you must be root to run this script ! # This script must be run in the ShLaTeX directory. # variables d'installation user=`whoami`; version="1.2b-en"; # fichiers d'installation gpl="../GPL.TXT"; src="../src"; tex8to7="../src/tex8to7.c"; man="./man/shlatex.1.bz2"; shlatex="./ShLaTeX"; todo="../TODO.TXT"; fichInstall="$gpl $tex8to7 $man $shlatex $todo"; # r�pertoires d'installation cheminMan="/usr/share/man/man1"; cheminExec="/usr/bin"; cheminScript="/usr/share"; repInstall="$cheminMan $cheminExec $cheminScript"; # v�rification de l'identit� de l'appelant if [ ! $user == "root" ] then echo -ne "> Error : you must be 'root' to run this script\n"; echo -ne " See the README.TXT file for further details.\n"; exit 1; fi # v�rification de l'abscence de cette version n'est pas d�j� install�e if [ -d "$cheminScript/shlatex-$version" ] then echo "ShLaTeX $version is already installed on your system." echo "Before re-installing, you have to uninstall." exit 2; fi # v�rification de l'existence des r�pertoires cibles, cr�ation le cas �ch�ant for rep in $repInstall do if [ ! -d "$rep" ] then echo -ne "> Avertissement : impossible de trouver \"$rep\", cr�ation du r�pertoire...\n"; mkdir -p "$rep" fi done # v�rification de l'existence des fichiers d'installation for fich in $fichiersInstall do if [ ! -f "$fich" ] then echo -ne "> Erreur : impossible de trouver le fichier \"$fich\", ce fichier est n�cessaire pour l'installation !\n"; exit 3; fi done cat $gpl | more echo -ne "\n\n" rpse="-"; until [ "$rpse" == "y" -o "$rpse" == "n" ] do read -p "Do you agree the terms of the GNU GPL licence (y/n) ? " rpse done if [ ! "$rpse" == "y" ] then echo "> Installation cancelled." exit 1; fi clear echo -ne "> Installation in progress...\n" echo -ne "> Compiling...\n" gcc $tex8to7 -o tex8to7 echo -ne "> Installation of tex8to7...\n" cp ./tex8to7 "$cheminExec/tex8to7" rm -f tex8to7 chmod 755 "$cheminExec/tex8to7" echo -ne "> Installation of the man page...\n" cp $man "$cheminMan/shlatex.1.bz2" chmod 644 "$cheminMan/shlatex.1.bz2" echo -ne "> Installation of the script...\n" mkdir "$cheminScript/shlatex-$version" cp -fR * $gpl $src $todo "$cheminScript/shlatex-$version" chmod -R 755 "$cheminScript/shlatex-$version" if [ ! -L "$cheminExec/ShLaTeX" ] then ln -s "$cheminScript/shlatex-$version/ShLaTeX" "$cheminExec/ShLaTeX" fi ln -s "$cheminScript/shlatex-$version/ShLaTeX" "$cheminExec/ShLaTeX-$version" echo -ne "> Test in progress...\n" cd "$cheminScript/shlatex-$version/test" chmod 755 ./test ./test echo -ne "> Done.\n\n"